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Everything posted by Bubka3

  1. Is the StartUp is set to manual, disable query monitoring reboots for that server.
  2. Is there anyway to disable the auto reboot by query for a certain game server?
  3. Why would you need a separate config for it? Any server with -maxplayers set to 32 will work on MvM.
  4. Thanks for the quick fix with FastDL!
  5. Is it possible to have some TCA consoles streaming? You could make Tools in general settings or something: Stream Monitor Console Stream Service Manager Console Would be great for debugging!
  6. See: http://help.tcadmin.com/SteamCmd#Errors
  7. Can you try naming the map: de_nuke-ve and see if it works?
  8. This sounds more a like a +mapgroup issue.
  9. You have a gamemode.txt. You should make a gamemode_server.txt. You cannot change all the values from server.cfg so.
  10. Since this has been implemented, close?
  11. I'm pretty sure mg_allclassic is not a mapgroup anymore, but don't quote me on it. You have no mapgroup set.
  12. Thank you for the quick action on the report and for clarifying! -Best of luck.
  13. TCAdmin is a game control panel and it should be just that. This is why GameCP and MintPanel are bad, they spend so much time on making anything but a game control panel.
  14. He said he would so your good, kroko. I think he would be able to do this in 2.0.60 comparing how easy it is to add a new line I would assume.
  15. Can we add a FastDL URL button? I'm so tried of all these, whats my fastdl? derp tickets...
  16. Sorry, I have one question for all you people. Why? You most likely have a billing system more then capable of handling support. If you offer web-hosting which doesn't offer a support panel, then your going to be using your billing system's ticketing system anyways, so why not keep it in one place?
  17. This feature has a flaw. In the log that pops up you can see the login info: login "steamcmd_rss" "xxxxxxxx"
  18. No, the uh, one in /csgo/(insert large number of random letters + numbers).
  19. It's good, but some complaints: Does not delete temp steamcmd folder after done moving from it. No option to make a .zip with the files since we have it download from a master to remotes. No option to save steam login details.
  20. Ido just gave me some keys for my update accounts. I'm happy now. One for each location "master" since TCAdmin will distribute the files anyways.
  21. Screw SteamCmd. It's so annoying.
  22. I never said RAID won't fail. It will, sooner or later. I mean keeping any other types of copies other then RAID is stupid and costly. The difference is the data in the RAID array on one of the drives is bound to be good enough.
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