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Everything posted by Bubka3

  1. I believe AutoSave is either from the game itself or a RocketMod plugin. You can also a repeating task in TCAdmin to save the files every so often.
  2. Bubka3

    Boostrap Theme

    Tip: If you are like me and too lazy to replace the icons, you can remove invert filter on them by searching for .RadToolBar .rtbVOriented .rtbIcon and removing the invert-related lines in that block. On a side note, if I did want to change the icons, do I just replace the defaults or is there some special theme associated system?
  3. Bubka3

    Boostrap Theme

    Couple of bugs: - Editor for email templates/company info is too small. Fix until OP does: Remove bold part. Not sure if this affects anything. - Dialog buttons aren't styled (ie: click on Steam Update -> OK / Cancel has no button).
  4. Bubka3

    Boostrap Theme

    Someone give this man some money!
  5. I believe you just have to go through the configuration utility again. It's in the start menu under TCAdmin2.
  6. Ah, I thought we can finally stop doing that. Oh well, at least not having to enter the RCON password is a nice improvement! Thanks Luis! EDIT: Still having input issues with CS:GO. All other source engine games seem to be fine.
  7. Web Console > Console Output as output source requires you to enable Text Console > Control Console's Output An error occurred while saving the game.
  8. I'm having a problem with this feature and source engine servers (tf2, csgo, etc). If I stop, start a server it works fine. If I restart a server, it goes in a reboot loop and errors out with: CTextConsoleWin32::GetLine: !GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents (this appear to be an engine error, not tcadmin generated)
  9. How much would ExoPanel cost?
  10. This seems more suited as a billing system addon (WHMCS/Clientexec/etc).
  11. I use MariaDB for TCAdmin. Works great!
  12. That's interesting. How can a Linux OS be running a .exe? (unless your using Wine) Does mono run off .exes with the Windows counter-part?
  13. I don't believe that's possible atm. The current custom icon buttons are intended to execute scripts. Personally, I wish there was a way to turn off the confirmation dialog and "The script has executed" message as we currently use it to display information. As far as linking of any type, your forced to echo the URL, can't even make it a hyperlink. (all my of my experiences are based on the batch file engine, not IronPython)
  14. He may refer to a private hive server?
  15. +1. Blank it out completely for clients. Giving a warning to staff: This server has been set in maintenance mode. Another admin maybe working on it.
  16. Pretty sure we used to keep the FastDL stuff directly in the database, but it caused serve performance issues. Or maybe it was a txt file.
  17. Why not provision a cpanel account instead? A simply hook should do the trick.
  18. Is the fix for #229754 in this build?
  19. They are probably running Malware Bytes for an AV which blocks web console (and quite a few other things) or similar software.
  20. So, is anyone doing templating work? A lot of people show off here but no one posts any themes or does any paid work as far as I can tell.
  21. It's a good a feature request tho!
  22. Luis works in a Rapid Release Period style. 1 month no updates, next month, 100x updates. Just something I noticed.
  23. vsftpd is most like conflicting with the TCAdmin FTP server. You do not manage the TCAdmin FTP servers, users are automatically created with the FTP root to their gameservers. You can also create blank accounts and set FTP permissions in the user's profile.
  24. I believe TCAdmin has it's own FTP server.
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