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Everything posted by Defcon|Rich

  1. I know feature requests aren't being taken but while I'm thinking about it I wanted to share a few observations. First off, when creating a new server I love the popup window giving you feedback to what's going on. Very nice touch and a time saver if something goes wrong. but when it's finished installing it forces you to manually close the window, I've created several servers now and everytime I sit there waiting for the window to close on it's own but it never does Call me stubborn but it feels like the process should have an end.. And possibly when the server is created and ready to go the page would forward to the installed servers location would be handy for the guys like me who get sidetracked easily Thanks!
  2. TCAdmin Version: Operating System: Win2003 64bit Machine Specs: 2x Clovertown 5310 12gb ram Database Type: default non sql --------------------------------------------- Tested .rar and .zip files in the games directory. Panel will only create servers if the server files are in .rar format. Gives error if files are in .zip format. Not sure if this is by design or?
  3. See attached. (Change extension to .xml before importing) Ravenshield.txt
  4. Mohawk Voice Config attached. (Change file name to .xml) (Note: Need to remove the www.defconservers.com references in the default config before use.) . Mohawk.txt
  5. Kevin, Can the tcabeta master run on linux or just remotes?
  6. Windows 2003 64bit right now. We're going to test with CentOS and/or RH this week.
  7. Sounds good, I'll play around with it some more. I need the practice creating configs from scratch anyway
  8. TCAdmin Version: Operating System: Win2003 64bit Machine Specs: 2x Clovertown 5310 12gb ram Database Type: default non sql --------------------------------------------- Importing game configs from tca v1 gives following error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." That error code as you know is generally due to the monitor being down but it's verified as working properly. Tried importing config and updating existing config created prior. Both give same error.
  9. We're going to test it out on CentOS hopefully this weekend (time permitting) and will let you know how it runs.
  10. I'd have to agree with that Jon. It's a great little feature and should be there but the option to lock it up would be nice. So far so good though. All in all it's shaping up to be a kick a$$ interface.
  11. I wish.. Been busy lately and not much extra time to browse.
  12. Luis should take a nice long vacation once this is released. He deserves it!
  13. Demanding something will get you zero here my friend. I'd expect you haven't read one word of the administrator manual or even tried doing it yourself judging by some of your posts. Good luck!
  14. I really hope you don't take money for your services OP..
  15. Well, Rome wasn't built in a day !
  16. Sounds good. Looking forward to the progress!
  17. Sounds good. Keep up the good work Luis!
  18. Just a general idea on where your at with it. The current panel isn't broken and works just fine so there's nothing pressing.
  19. Just curious if there's a known timeline on the release of a beta version to test and/or the final product? Thanks!
  20. Forgot about that one. It's very time consuming suspending the non-paying accounts at months end so that come in handy.
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