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Everything posted by ECF

  1. There is no rcon support for Halo in TCAdmin, only status display.
  2. If you require support, you may raise a support ticket via our online support system. Please login to https://clients.tcadmin.com and click the "Submit Ticket" link. **Only direct clients of TCAdmin may enter support tickets. If you currently use our product but through a third party host (such as our datacenter edition), please contact your provider for all support issues.
  3. ECF

    AA 2.7

    It would depend on what they changed in the directory structure. If the config list are still located in the same spot, then you could most likely update what you have. However, if the config file locations have changed, then you will need to uninstall and reinstall under a new game config.
  4. UBISoft has released a patch for GRAW, which includes dedicated server files. You no longer need a graphics card to host this game. This is what I have so far for a config. I do not have a copy of the game so I can't test this. Feel free to tweak this and or paste any updates to it. Ghost
  5. This was the last one that I had from a while back. And to answer your voicemail Bobby. VOIP doesn't have a query system. At least not within TCA. BF2VOIP.txt
  6. I accidentally deleted the whole thread instead fo deleting the posts in it. Would you please post your BF2 config that you had before? Sorry...
  7. I don't have the files required, but it looks pretty easy. Commandline should be: DeusEx.exe -server And the game variables such as hostname can be found in the DeusEx.ini file. Here is where I got the info: http://www.planetdeusex.com/dx1/help/serverop/#4
  8. Windows files are on the game CD(s)
  9. Good rule of thumb is to not use spaces in any path. There are other games out there that don't like spaces either.
  10. You have a space in between client and files in the commandline. C:\CLIENT FILES\ADMIN\GameServers make it C:\CLIENTFILES\ADMIN\GameServers Take the space out like above and it should work.
  11. The two variables wihtin the commandline that control where the game engine looks for this file are... -userdirectory %userfilespath% and -optionsfile %userfilespath%\ServerOptions\Serveroptions.txt If your %userfilespath% is set to C:\Client, that is where it is going to look for the file. Do a preview of the commandline in "service settings" and see what you get. I just put up a server and this is what the commandline should look like when previewed in TCAdmin. <div class="pre"><pre>D:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48565787348705802262622\fearserver.exe FEARServer.exe -userdirectory D:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48565787348705802262622\ -optionsfile D:\UserFiles\ADMIN\GameServers\TC48565787348705802262622\\ServerOptions\Serveroptions.txt</pre></div>
  12. Off topic, but I like your site Tom. Nice to see something different
  13. After closer inpection, Bobby's config is for the tremded.exe file. You can find it here: http://tjw.org/tremulous/ The config I created was for the regular game exe which is tremulous. They both seem to work. However Bobby tells me there is additional admin features along with the tremded.exe as well.
  14. Also your config file doesn't work. You have the executable wrong it appears. I have attached a corrected one. Tremulous.txt
  15. ECF

    Modern Template File

    Screenshot of the template....
  16. I asked a question. I never said it was a problem that you were asking for a config.
  17. This is modeled after our new upcoming site. To import this template file goto System Settings > Template Config and click the import button. Browse to the file and imaport it. Users and admins can freely switch back and forth between layouts by choosing the "Interface" from the main login screen. Modern.zip
  18. To each his own I guess If you want everything done for you, you will have to wait until someone posts a config. In the meantime, it means you can't host the game. Doesn't make much sense to me...
  19. Just curious as to why you guys don't make your own...? is it because you don't understand the game? Just a thought. And please do not take this negatively. If you don't know how to host a game, including how to set it up and fix it if it breaks... why would you host it in the first place? If you have zero knowlege of the game, and you rent a server out, what happens when the client screws something up and you are asked to fix it and don't know how?
  20. Just for future reference of other users. TCAdmin configs are imported into the panel using the following method. Login and goto System Settings>Supported Games. Click the "import" button at the bottom of the page. Click the "browse button" and find the config file on your computer. Then simply import. If you change a config file you can also select the "overwrite" option, which will overwrite the current config with the new one.
  21. Yup. That does it. Here is the new config. Prey.txt
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