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Everything posted by LFA

  1. Instead of stop/start you can use: -command=write -write=save-off Then after the backup enable auto save again: -command=write -write=save-on That way you create a backup without stopping the service and you don't get corrupt backups by disabling auto save temporarily.
  2. LFA


    Add this to your custom .css : .LoginMainBody { background: http://server/background.png repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF !important; }
  3. LFA

    FTP Issues

    Muestra error si subes el archivo con el administrador de archivos?
  4. That's a problem with steamcmd not with tcadmin. http://help.tcadmin.com/SteamCmd#Linux I recommend you configure tcadmin to UpdateTool instead. http://help.tcadmin.com/SteamCmd#Linux_Alternative
  5. Just take the script that you would normally execute to open a port. Replace the port number with ${ThisService_GamePort}
  6. Yes you can with virtual servers. Create a virtual server without limits. User files on the drive you want. Only select the games you want on that drive.
  7. LFA

    FTP Issues

    Can you create the folder using the file manager?
  8. Make sure the password is correct. You should be able to log in to the control panel with the same user and password.
  9. LFA

    FTP Issues

    What's the error in your ftp client?
  10. Attached Counterstrike Source.txt
  11. Delete tcadmin-2-bi.noarch.deb and try installing it again. I tested installing that package a few minutes ago and it worked correctly.
  12. If you are using the default minecraft configuration without any changes just create a minecraft_server.sh with these lines: #!/bin/bash java $*
  13. Bug Fixes Fixed slow page load on Linux caused by the previous update. Fixed an error when /home/tcagame was a symlink and target folder was not named tcagame. Fixed error in the v1 Teamspeak service import tool when the service showed a warning message. Fixed javascript error when custom script name contained a single quote. Fixed javascript error when opening the task status in a new window.
  14. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=8011
  15. I think I found the cause of this. I will release an update soon.
  16. v2 works the same as on windows 2008. Not sure about the games.
  17. Have you tried with the firewall disabled?
  18. LFA

    FTP Max Files

    It's a configuration in the ftp client. In filezilla client: Edit > Settings > Connection > Timeout.
  19. Check ticket #414311. I gave you an update for the master but you never told me if it worked or not. You are getting that error because the remotes also need that update.
  20. LFA

    FTP Max Files

    There are no options to limit the number of files returned by the ftp server. You can increase the ftp client's timeout so it has enough time to get a list of the files.
  21. Make sure port 8821 is not blocked in the server's firewall. Check /home/tcadmin/Logs/Monitor/console.log. Make sure the ftp service is starting correctly. Also try restarting the monitor: /home/tcadmin/Monitor/monitor-service restart
  22. 1- By default it is configured to share mods with the Windows config. Select minecraft for windows and add the mod there. 2- Select the game. Select the feature permissions tab. Enable commandline manager. Enable reseller access on Predefined Commandlines and Custom Commandlines.
  23. When you add a new remote server you just need to add it to the billing api's selected servers and tcadmin will start creating game servers on it. mysql encryption is not supported but it will be added soon. If the ping between your servers is high the access will be slower. You can improve speed with mysql replication. http://help.tcadmin.com/MySQL_Replication You can enable the control panel website on remote servers and have your users connect it using their game server's IP. There is no single sign in.
  24. LFA

    I/O Reading

    Open TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminServiceManager.exe.config with notepad. If you have this line: <add key="TCAdmin.DisablePacketManager" value="False"/>Change it to this: <add key="TCAdmin.DisablePacketManager" value="True"/>If you don't have it add it under <appSettings>. Then restart the service manager service.
  25. LFA

    I/O Reading

    In TCAdmin2\Logs\ServiceManager\console.log. It should say "The packet capture library has been detected"
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