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  1. Not to mention it's the entire wrong solution..mailx,postfix? Not even needed, why do you want mailserver?
  2. You can basically put variables in it, like the player slots one and the gameport one. In most games the commandline takes precedence over the config, so it should stick.
  3. Hey man, For the second and third thing, can't they be set in the commandline? This would solve the issue, as they can't change those.
  4. What was the issue then? And the solution?
  5. Easily found: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-java-on-centos-and-fedora
  6. Don't forget it could also be the username itself that has characters or symbols in it. I've had a few clients like that.
  7. Raizio


    Either that or set it to use explicit ftp in the site manager of Filezilla. But yeah this became the default thing in Filezilla.
  8. Not a claim yet no? They asked them without any legal document or C&D or DMCA to stop work while they invited them in for talks
  9. I don't think that's gonna happen. I mean I suppose you could. You'd have to disable the internal ftp. Setup pureftp on every server and make sure every user can use their tcadmin account and only be able to reach their own folder/server. Not to forget sub users too. You can try automating that at every user/service creation. I think you will run into many hurdles on the way and it might not even be possible in a decent way.
  10. Do you mean for clients or yourself?
  11. Probably do, just not high on the list. There's also a fair amount of monitoring software out for this in the meantime.
  12. That sounds like some credentials got broken. Not to mention a killer move to do if you have many services.
  13. No such thing in the API I am afraid. Only way I see how that could happen if you use a before or after event to trigger the script. On a restart or a suspend, etc.
  14. Percentage on your control panel or on the physical boxes that host the gameservers?
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