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Everything posted by Jus61

  1. add this in you serverDZ.cfg : steamQueryPort = 2303;
  2. echo. echo Starting Bec timeout 10 :: start bec set becpath="%ThisService_RootDirectory%battleye\Bec" cd /d %becpath% start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc echo. echo Server Started 100%
  3. echo. echo Starting Bec timeout 10 :: start bec set becpath="%ThisService_RootDirectory%battleye\Bec" cd /d %becpath% start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc echo. echo Server Started 100%
  4. halflife 2 new ore ARMA 3 Protokol???
  5. If I have understood that correctly then the query port 27026 should be at 2322 ??????
  6. Since this is from the year 2015 I wanted to ask if this still works???
  7. %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% +force_install_dir %MODFOLDER% +"workshop_download_item 107410 463939057" +quit %RAR%\winrar.exe a -afzip -ep1 -r %MODFOLDER%\ace.zip %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\463939057\*.*
  8. Why are the mods stored in this path: G:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\5\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\SteamCMD\Win64\steamapps\workshop\content\346110\829467257\ And again, here: G:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\5\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\829467257 When deleting the server I always have problems ( powershell 260 character limit )
  9. Modd: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=829467257&searchtext= Error
  10. With help from numpty hers the config for anyone who wants it hellion - Windows.xml
  11. Does anyone have the config for HELLION https://www.playhellion.com/features
  12. I have been with you for 4 hours in TS
  13. https://www.killahpotatoes.de/index.php?team-speak3-viewer/
  14. ok thx numpy do you have Skype
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