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Everything posted by Jus61

  1. You wrote that you have the config for ARMA 3!

    Can you give it to me?

  2. Would you share this with us?
  3. RConPort 2462 = RConPort 2306
  4. Does anyone have the current config for ARMA 3
  5. Does anyone have a current ARMA3.xml for me ! Pay also it!
  6. did you also for the Windows
  7. Is there already something new
  8. Ich kaufe das Spiel f?r dehn der es macht damit er testen kann
  9. sorry my English is not god W?rde f?r denjenigen der uns die XML Datei macht auch das Spiel schenken ( Kaufen ) TCAdmin 2.0
  10. I would send you the Fils or i give you the game
  11. Has a been a xml for this game (Windows) German: Hat den einer schon eine xml f?r dieses Spiel ( Windows ) https://forum.rising-world.net/index.php/Thread/109-Hosting-a-multiplayer-game/?pageNo=1
  12. Is there already when the Farming Simulator 15 Dedicated Server for TCAdmin has
  13. Ja so einiger masse. Xai war eine extrem grosse Hilfe
  14. ts3.net4players.org ich bin der Jus61
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