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Everything posted by numpty

  1. Thanks for that I will have to give bs another go on windows. As so far it's being a bugger ad won't install xd. Unless I missed something
  2. Man my mind was not working last few weeks thanks guys. I feel dumb now. Lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. having a problem i have tried egiting the /path/to/bs4 line but anything i put it says No module named bs4 what could be worong i am on ubuntu will be doing windows after
  4. i am having issue where im gettimg No module named bs4 No module named bs4 i have searched for bs4 on the server and found this location /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bs4 so i put that into the scrpts and still get the error. any help is appreciated
  5. I was not trying to be obnoxious I was just saying that nothing made for any panel that’s out there is not completely setup there will be work involved to get it fully working. I mean the config here in this forum. Are made by people out of the goodness of their hears. Some even have hosting companies. But they still offer for free these configs. Like I did also. But still there will be some things that will need doing. For example downloading the correct files. Putting in correct places. Making custom scrips for they’re company/community. See what I mean. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Tbf thought buddy. Is everything handed to you on a silver platter. Anything even a server ram direct on a server needs some level of coding work to it. So it’s not hard. I mean I had no knowledge of coding before I started. Now I know loads of languages. And that’s because I learned. With trial and error. I meant there is no panel that just gives you every feature out of the gate. None at all. Believe me. So you will have to learn. I have no problem helping you to a degree. But I have my life to live and my company to run. So time is limited but am more than happy to point you in. The correct locations to help things work for you. I was a novice at TCAdmin. Now I know a lot more than before. I am still learning some things. But that’s the fun learning is half the battle. The other half is putting what you learned into action Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. at a guess you could create a script to download the latest or a button that admins can only see and add this #!/bin/bash cd /path/to/buildtools-directory _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djdk.net.URLClassPath.disableClassPathURLCheck=true java -jar -Xmx1024M BuildTools.jar --rev $1 cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Mods/spigot.jar cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/spigot.jar cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/spigot-$1.jar cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Mods/craftbukkit.jar cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/craftbukkit.jar cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/TCA.Updates/craftbukkit-$1.jar cp spigot-$1.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/spigot.jar cp CraftBukkit/target/craftbukkit-$1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /path/to/gamefiles/minecraft/craftbukkit.jar obviously update the lines to the correct locations.. if windows make into a bat file and edit the file accordingly.. hopefully tha will work..
  8. Dumb phones autocorrect. I meant np whatsoever. Haha. Soz
  9. Is it a mod option?? If so have you installed the mod files into TCAMods folder into zip file named in the mods directory. If it’s standard like normal minecrarft. Have you checked the config to see if it downloads the files before setup in the files and directories tab. .. if it doesn’t it means that you have to manually set up the server yourself into the master directory in c:/ TCAdmin2/Games/mcbedrock or whatever the directory is in the files and directories tab. The. When it’s setup properly make sure the starter is an due and make sure it’s named what that missing fills and sorted. I am not a minecraft person but 99.999% of confident that almost all game config work in exactly same method. Please update thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Give me your discord I’ll try and help you via discord and help where I can
  11. I thought you had already done that. Xd. Otherwise would have said that. As you mentioned you created a service but couldn’t connect. So I assumed you had already created master. My bad. Well done for sorting it. Buddy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Good luck. What intended to do when I had problems with anything even game servers I’d start from. Scratch. Eg reinstall the master server. And write down the super admin info you have for it. Somewhere. As master should have to type in master password somewhere in the config setup of master. If I remember. Then when it creates new server it can generate new passwords for them. Good luck tho Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. You don’t need the super admin to connect to the Ts server just up and port. The super admin is just to give you admin rights on th server itself. By the way it’s sounds it’s not setup correctly or something is broke in in the email template. Or something. I myself stopped selling Ts otherwise would be able to load one up and help bug test it for you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I think it is meant to. Check the messages in the system not via your email client. See what those say. Sometimes they say different Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Go to create a service then choose user. The. Choose voice. Then select ts3. Then choose slots n stuff. When created it will provide all the info like super admin password. Hope this helps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I use tapatalk on my phone so get notified and can reply instantly without having to log into website ahbahasooo much easier Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
  17. We don't host fivem as a company anymore so stopped developing the config.. if i remember you now start with the exe itself now due to changes in fivem Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
  18. Thats fine mine sone reason doesn't delete the user but I dnt mind myself xd and also every new dB will use a new username like altis_db01 altis_db02 so it won't cause issues
  19. That then means in the dB creation script the dB password is incorrect so it can't connect to db to creat
  20. Right at very end of file remove this CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS `arma3`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY 'changeme'; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, EXECUTE ON `altislife`.* TO 'arma3'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
  21. That the full file or just few lines?
  22. Make sure the top of sql is like mine that I sent that will fix the issue
  23. Ok that the template if sk thats correct... but somewhere its using the username arma 3 somewhere Check all files on created server for anything mentioning arma3 like extdb stuff like that.. and I don't mean the templates I mean the actual created file
  24. Then inside the extdb cfg it has wrong info
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