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Everything posted by numpty

  1. I can help with arma i have many arma server running smoothly and fast
  2. I have followed the setup but I don't understand as when I run the thing in VS I don't see the theme as it states I should so I cant edit and makes it look nice any help is appreciated DM me thx
  3. What cant you get to work ot works fk w for myself
  4. Golf you could that would be helpful as they say every little helps.. thx
  5. works perfect shame there is no name in the default name you have to enter one via custom command but otherwise its perfect as it starts and shows
  6. My clients have to fill that side out themselves so I dnt touch that part
  7. Are they linux or windows as on windows you have to right click on the service and chk for the advanced crach recovery and when crashed choose restart and will reboot every time it crashes.. if linux am unsure if has a similar feature best thing is Google how to reboot crashed service linux see if there is a way ... good luck
  8. I started using this one then made my own in the end as I have lots of custom features added for my customers to have a better experience
  9. I don't mean the servers themselves and so you mean the remote servers like vps/dedicated have no power?? If so that's your provider that has to deal with that as their is obviously a issue with the server itself unless I misunderstood please elaborate thx
  10. You need to make it auto reboot if crashed its simple with windows unsure on linix.. if you use windows I can run through the steps..
  11. What have you done with that config??
  12. Sow did you fix it?? As wouldn't want to have to open ports everytime a server is made
  13. Ah ok sorry bout that I didn't know as I couldn't get it to fully work it creates and everything but I dnt understand how the configuration file works so it always asked 4 mods and I dnt have any and I dnt know which ones r mod cars lol maybe you have more luck
  14. i have tried the config and i cant get it ti show in game i have tried with a name with no spaces and removed the "" and tried the default config and also tried using the override command line and typed a name between the "" and still not showing.. any help is appreciated
  15. here is my assetto Corsa config unsure if its the one you want Assetto - Windows.xml
  16. That's y I always add the "" no matter the gameserver
  17. No worries. Glad to help
  18. No. It's not within actual file directory or anything it's only found within the css combined. Then once you have a edited version of css you add to custom css in he advanced editor of theme. That's only way
  19. It's all done via css. Using the css combined file. You get by inspection of element in browser. F12 in browser. Sources. Find css combined. And that's what you edit
  20. Soz. No clue. I just add to the command line and it works fine. So unsure why not for you
  21. I could have. But it's then spoon-feeding scripts already on forum. As someone has posted a few included myself.
  22. You can add a steam workshop downloader like I have. Works great
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