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Everything posted by numpty

  1. sent friend request duno y mine didnt work might have mistyped lol
  2. loos good man keep it up...
  3. Wellvim hoping if your dedi is actually stopped nothing runs lol.. but yes when the game server is stopped
  4. Yes it hides and yes when it csnt ping the server usually 20 seconds after server stopped it will close itself down
  5. Xd it happens xd least u figured it out
  6. Has to be something your end then as it word just before I uploaded it I made sure if it... did you import it as it's own config?? Or merge with current.. best practice is new one obviously save any issues arising.. can you screenshot you folders of the game files please in c:\tcadmin2\games\kf2.. also make sure the exe is in correct directory I will try and help any way I can and get you ready for it... but as I say I use that same config I posted for my hosted servers and have over 50 working servers running with it... and also re tested by manually installing myself on my admin account too to ensure it is working before I uploaded here.. Send the asked for files and anything else you think may be relevant to help us look for the issue and will see what I can do
  7. have Just tested this config with 2 server installs and works fine let me know if works 4 u guys.,... it's basic but works. have it working for loads of clients and just to be sure I have also tested by deleting the master files and having it download them before setting up a server and works fine also... no issues at all KF2 - Windows.xml
  8. I can hest also if not I have a working config for kf2 if I u want me to share have it working fine
  9. I do dm me here or on discord Hater3flux#6678 I'll see what can do
  10. Could be mismatched versions as some of us are using mvc tcadmin and others not and the update configs do not import properly to the non mvc version
  11. Not available for linux just yet as far as I know
  12. I'm still working on having lots of trouble getting it working though as its not seeming to start properly or even choose the correct command as the game uses multiple bat files to start the server so i have to manually create ALL the custom start command lines per the version and then try and get it to point to relevant config file and then get it working ... am still trying to
  13. i have been working on one for a while i will try and finalize it and post it for you
  14. Dm me here I'll help any way I can
  15. Already updated them made sure I did before the update
  16. have it installed on many servers am more than happy to help you set it up for you
  17. Battleye Extended Controls for Arma 3 and yes they closed it but if you know what your doing you can get it working just fine like i have on mt 2500+ arma servers
  18. when trying yours I only saw the DB not the password and am using the Same Variables here's screenshot https://i.imgur.com/iB6b0Z0.png
  19. or u cud use bat option on windows like i do with @echo off echo MySQL Server: %ThisService_IpAddress% echo Port 3306 echo MySQL User: %ThisService_MySQLUser% echo MySQL Password: %ThisService_MySQLPassword% adjust 3306 if using differnet port works perfect for my arma servers
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