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Everything posted by numpty

  1. What about clients who have steam authentification i have a better script that requests the auth client needs to generate code via Email or app and then requests the ID after that but unfortunately unable to share due to NDA if i wasn't i would gladly share it without a heartbeat ... im still able to share configs n stuff but any completely customized scripts i am unable to due to the NDA i am pissed but its business at end of day
  2. you would need to choose Prompt for variable values in the setup of the custom script my version is amaller but works as well @Echo off "%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd\steamcmd.exe" +login YOUR STEAMID YOURSTEAMPASSWORD +force_install_dir C:\ +"workshop_download_item 221100 %ThisService_modnumber%" validate +quit @Echo SET "ServerPath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%" :: :: ::Mod Name MKLINK /D %ThisService_modname% C:\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_modnumber% add variables modname and modnumer to the game config and then make sure you select prompt for variable values and it works have it running on 155 Dayz Arma & servers.. little simpler butt just as effective also clients WILL NOT SEE your steam login info i have confirmed this with all my clients servers
  3. I can share a simplified version. But I could loose business as it's a selling point for us that we have a workshop downloader
  4. The configs are not saved anywhere. If you need a copy. Just export them
  5. Wtf it never add lol. I'll upload in sec sorry
  6. How can there be a wrong password there isn't one in the bat file??? Unless the rcon one is wrong
  7. With My config you DO NOT need alternative software to launch mods you only need BEC for restarts BEC Backup and restore Mod Comand line Download BEC and Properly set up with These instructions place ALL BEC files from the download into battleye dir Excluding config.cfg and scheduler as the config auto generates them. then got to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc edit hosts file add ibattle.org http://www.ibattle.org then save use notepad ++ preferably these steps MUST BE FOLLOWED for BEC to work although players need to download the relevent mopds themselves via the dayz launcher thats avaliable from https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home enjoy the script DayZ SA - Windows.xml
  8. start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc can only be 1 variable -f or --dsc NOT bot been working with arma and NEC for 5 yrs and the autobackup Needs 7zip why not use the inbuilt zip protocol??
  9. Worst way to impliment it. I have many better ways. But due to nda unable to share. It's much less code. And is better executed
  10. Problem with that script is that the admin will have to manually update the mods Everytime there is an update. Why no create a auto download script into the panel that they input the I'd and a name. And it downloads the up to date mods saves creating a list of mods also and saves space on the hdd Like I did for my Arma and dayz servers
  11. numpty


    ill chk see if mine works
  12. And in regards to the prices they seem accurate little more than earlier this year used to be $5. But the $7. Allows unltd collaborators. And unlimited private repos. But. I do recommend xenforo. Due to the issue raised above
  13. Then either xenforo with a check to see if they're active proper users on this forum. Like a question like what's your tcadmin username. Or something. Should be ok. Then you approve the app. That's my suggestion. As people can create new thread with their theme/config. Charge if you want to allow it make then all free. And then also. Like this allow adjustment ideas and they can reupload fixed. But ensure they only use the built in resources system you add. No external links. Unless a virustotal link given. Or use GitHub paid or free I'd recommend paid. And add each client. Access to collaborate. And then they can upload /download any config and make changes to fix any ones that are not fully working or add new features. But I would definitely recommend xenforo. As if you get one stupid person delete everything. Then that's everything gone. Whereas can't happen with xenforo.
  14. There is that I agree. And no there is nothing wrong with that. Wasn't saying there was. But it's just easier for development. But. It's. Obviously ECF Choice what to use. But there is multiple plugin for xenforo to use. And the one u posted Dennis is the one I use. Just couldn't remember name. XD. So would be good choice.
  15. Public is great. But anyone can download the config and I mean everyone whereas. Private is not listed in the search as it's private and also. They don't need to create pull request. They can. But they just need to be added as collaborator. And can update all the files. And every collaborator can see what addition has been made. What changes. And also. When they merge with the master it will tell you if something is wrong also. It's a great kit for web development. As my devs can all help with web design. And know what's going on.
  16. And for xenforo I use it myself I will try and find the name of the plug-in I use for file download features. If you want
  17. GitHub is not $5 per user. It's $ for a private repo. And then unltd collaborator. Hope that helps ecf
  18. Never had a client not stop a server when making changes to their services
  19. Why do you have it restart Bec?? As when server restarts and Bec can't find it it drops anyway. And loads back up If set correct like I have with only a Bec start script.
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