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Everything posted by numpty

  1. Yes. I have 25 running on one server. Make sure. Use default IP an sports isn't ticked. I spotted that myself
  2. Man I really need to fully read replies. Haha. I thought you posted the spigots resources haha. But you were saying they use one. That's why was confused hahaha Woops. My bad
  3. I did. Then someone. Think mentioned a plug-in that works for xenforo that I was on about. So thought I didn't need to find same one. XD. Also they're is many others. Than that specific one too.
  4. Xenforo is my choice as it's easy to work with and has loads of plugins for what is needed. Whereas Invision Power board. Or IPB is really expensive for self hosted. Upwards of $500 if not more. Whereas xenforo is less then half that and has more also
  5. It's not a legend it will originally look better and will be more customizable and easier to change themes. To people that are new to it
  6. By editing the css of the theme. That's the only way to Change tcadmin themes
  7. numpty


    DAMN hope they op[timize it
  8. https://my.pcloud.com/publink/show?code=XZWNrw7Z63mV1EYlHWkadM9PvL11U0yJAfeV here is my copy of a working BEC just put the files in the right directory in days folder should be server/battleye add all files if i remember
  9. I will attach a copy shortly. Am eating currently. It will be a working version as the latest. Has issues. So I use an older version
  10. Open services then right click on monitor and then look for crash option. Turn on. It will restart if crashed. Happens to myself too
  11. Did you forget to choose promt for variable in the script itself
  12. There already there in the original script posted but didn't copy that's why I added the directory individually and it works
  13. I made mine like this and they work robocopy C:\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_ModID% %ThisService_RootDirectory%@%ThisService_ModName% /COPYALL /E /IS /IT > nul robocopy %ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_ModID%\keys %ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys /COPYALL /E /IS /IT > null just edit the directories to your setup this is for arma but jsut change to relevant for COnan
  14. Try what I did. As it didn't like it and had similar issue use %ThisService_rootdirectry% or whatever it is. Br. Chane both MODFOLDER% %ROOTFOLDER to the actual directory making sure it's like how they ate in the set modfolder and set rootfolder section ofntbte like file. And try again
  15. I had similar issues with the similar days version wen tested with Arma. So modified it. A bit. And it throws an error saying failed exit code 0. But it actually copied fine. So I eched saying ignore errors mid downloaded fine. Add to command line. I'll try n share shortly as had same issue with conan version
  16. How. Are you running. Send screenshots of the setup of all vars and script I'll try n bugfix
  17. it's like having a noose round mt neck hahaha it was a partnership in hosting as I do games voice and web they do dedis and VPS and we joined and we both have restrictions but still xD.. he said I am able to provide the scripts if I charge for them ... I mean some I have no problem as they take months to code and bug-free but I haven't really got the heart to charge for scripts that many could probably do themselves
  18. thats understandable im same thas why i made a basic one that i am able to share but its not that amazing and not that secure but at least it hide secure info like username and password but still
  19. I mean if I wasn't under NDA id share mine its 30 lines and allows users to enter their steam info and authenticator code then take to another page to enter the mod id and name it took while to code but works flawlessly am in talks to get out of it so i can help more with the community other than just configs and basic scripts but unsure how or when I will happen ... that's the nature of the beast of business xD
  20. ok its just looking at the script its like its asking the client to enter their steam info thats y i asked... i mean if you use yours and it just requires ID and name then its similar to mine jsut coded idfferently and lightweight too but as long as it works great share
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