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Everything posted by wirs

  1. There is a easy to use config creator tool integrated in TCAdmin. it's point and click and walks you through the process step by step. Should be enough for your need The tool should be located at http://www.WHATVER YOUR DOMAIN OR IP IS.WHATEVER/Interface/GameHosting/CreateGameGuide.aspx
  2. wirs

    ftp server

    for me clicking the repair button fixes that
  3. Here's a free solution which isn't nearly as good as dennis work Go to your game file folder (default: /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games) create a folder with the name of the game place the game files in it Launch the auto creation tool ( YOURDOMAIN.TLD/Interface/GameHosting/CreateGameGuide.aspx ) Select the folder for the game you want to create a config for Select the executable Tcadmin automaticly detects config files for you! you simply need to select the one you'd like an customize it Select the ports you'd like to use or use leave this step be if you want it to use the default settings IF the game uses steamcmd, you can install it using this tool YOURDOMAIN.TLD/Interface/GameHosting/GameTools.aspx
  4. I do not own the game so I can't help you. However the build in config wizzard is very useful to get a game running on TCAdmin and it's easy to use
  5. wirs


    Commands are all fucked up there's not much one can do right now. I suggest that you roll back to the stable release since the experimental is really buggy right now
  6. [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Looks like youre are missing some files
  7. That error means that you haven't installed the game. Steamcmd does not work for starbound so you need to upload the game files manually. Also there is a forum called Game config files, where this thread should have been. No biggie though
  8. Use the auto creation tool. You'll need no skills and the resulting config will be more than enough for you since you're no GSP if you require more help I'll search for my step-by-step guide that i posted somewhere here. Edit: You sure you searched ? http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11367&highlight=starbound literally the second result that pops up when searching for starbound on the forums
  9. Let's hope he still looks the forums. The post is from 2012
  10. this also happens when you have the executable setting wrong
  11. You need to be logged in with a account owning a valid arma3 license in order to get the files over steamcmd. Worked fine for me
  12. Actually that log looks totally fine and the server is running correctly. Take a note that the steam server browser does not work perfectly! have you tried connecting to it using the console ?
  13. wirs

    Bad Request is not a valid ip address. I'. assuming that tcadmin is installed on the same machine you're on right now try or localhost:8880 That should work
  14. wirs


    As said before autosave exit is already hardcoded in the game. In the patch that got released yesterday they said something about t being broken on windows and that they have fixed it now
  15. Have you installed the game using the build in tcadmin game installerbefore creating the server ?
  16. Sorry just saw your message right now. If you registred to the forum using the same email as you did for your license purchase you should be able to access them. If not log into the main page (where you can review your license). You should be able to white-list your address to the forums by yourself. If that fails to simply open up a support ticket, the staff is always helping.


    Hope this helps

  17. Don't know how it works for ark but usually workshop mods get updated on server launch
  18. connection refused means that the port (here 8880) has nothing listening on it. This means that TCAdmin is either not running on that port or not running at all
  19. Have you tried the "Rapair" button located under "Actions" on the gameservers tab ? This button usually fixes all kind of permission related problems
  20. Same for us ... so we switched to TCA and were amazed by the service we recieved
  21. wirs


    follow my steps. The only changing thing is the executable. simply select the .exe.
  22. wirs


    Well I made you a working one with the auto creation tool. For future tinkering here's a quick how-to Go to your game file folder (default: /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games) create a folder (here:factorio for this config to work you'll need to do that too) place the game files in it ( do that too) Launch the auto creation tool Select the folder for the game you want to create a config for Select the executable (here: /bin/x64/factorio but you can use startfactorio too. You'll just be unable to create command lines) Tcadmin automaticly detects config files for you! you simply need to select the one you'd like an customize it (note: the /factorio folder is a template) Select the ports you'd like to use or use leave this step be if you want it to use the default settings You can later always modify the config to your liking afterwards but in most cases the auto-tool should be sufficient if you're just hosting stuff for your gaming community factorio - Linux.xml
  23. wirs


    Raizo is right I put some work into the config which is why i'm not willing to share it. I could however give you a config which would be no diffrent than the one you can create using the built in auto-create tool
  24. wirs


    I have one I'm not willing to share but you can use the TCAdmin config wizard to create one which will work just fine as the game needs nothing special in order to run
  25. strange the map autosaves upon shutdown for me
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