They say on their wiki that you have to forward the ports (10999 UDP) in order for the server to start correctly. Have you tried that ? BEcause I'm running the same config and it works for me
There is one thing that confuses me
You are using a windows server but get a linux error message.
Last time i checked there were no linux dedicated server files for rust ( there may now , not sure) which means that either something's terribly wrong with your config or that you are using wine to emulate a windows environment for the server
So what system does your server run on?
unfortunately i got no time to look into your config but i can give you mine until someone else has
it's far away from perfect but it does its job. since it's pretty basic you should run into no configuration problems starbound - Linux.xml
wasn't arma3life taken down for stealing a bunch of assets/mods from other people? And as far as I remember the server files were not made public, thus the takedown attempts that goatbonz mentioned.
Linux and windows config for terraria are the same
@xerobeagle I only changed few directories and the name of the .exe so no idea why the other one did not work for you
Here it is. It's the same as on here with 1-2 small changes. Don't be fooled by the Linux in the filename because TCAdmin runs the .exe automaticly with mono so it's the same config as on windows.
I use it together with TDSM and it works like a charm. terraria - Linux.xml
Anyone else having the problem that the user's config file (ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSettings.ini) gets reset everytime they do a restart ?