If those configs are not already in here I'm sure someone can create them for you. But depending on the features you want you may need to pay for the work just so you know
The linux one is the same as the wndows one. to change the name you need to edit the serer's config file or add the ?SessionName=<YOUR NAME> command to the command line.
TCadmin automaticly detects the name and sets it as service name too
Linux is nearly 64bit only since something around 14 years. Making only 32bit linux support would be a dumb move since it's hard to find a 32bit liux distribution
I've set hostnames using the command line tool as a backup. The game still uses the value the clients set in ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WHATEVERosYOUuser/GameUserSettings.ini under
So if anything goes wrong with GameUserSettings.ini the name falls back to the one I've set in the command line
As far as I know the Hostname can be overwritten by the game's config. If you've set the Hostname to XYZ during service creation, the client still can change it (for example in source engine games by adding the hostname variable to server.cfg) If the game is set-up correctly TCAdmin can even monitor the name change and will update it in the panel too and/or you can add things (like the name of your company) to the Hostname that the client has set
No need to remove the x you just need to give the user acces (usually the user is in a group so group permissions are fine too) the files should have 774 (full permission for owner+ the group the owner belongs too + viewing permissions for any other user on the system)
Well the easy way to check the permission would be to use you favourite ftp program and go to the location of the jar. In filezilla for example you can view and set the permissions by right-clicking on the file and selecting "File Permissions...".
Or you could always log into to your server over ssh (using putty for example) and use
chmod xxx /home/tcagame/user/servernumber/nameofethe.jar
replace xxx by the permissions number 754 for default tcadmin settings
YOu said you get access denied when repairing... how come ? are you logged in as admin?
The server should create the file automaticly. Remove the auto delete script and check the permissions of the minecraft server.jar they should be 754
Before checking the permissions click the Repair button (location is found on the screenshot that I uploaded) and see if that works
To be fair it's about the amount of money that people around here ask per config. But Raizio has a valid point. For 15 bucks you're not going to get the best most user friendliest config.
What games are you looking for ?