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Everything posted by crunkinshoe

  1. Also each server currently takes a lot of CPU (15% usage on a 32 core machine) and at least 4.5GB RAM.
  2. I'm getting close to a working config. There are quite a few aspects to it unlike any other games I've done. You will need to make your own map in order to get the server started as one is not generated nor included with the server files.
  3. Link to dedicated setup thread: https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/3498-unofficial-dedicated-server-info/& Page 7 you will find working server files download links
  4. Has anyone got a working query protocol for DayZ?
  5. Has anyone created a query protocol for this game they'd like to share?
  6. Only Gportal has been given the files currently. The developers have said they may publicly release the files however have not given a timeframe.
  7. It looks like you can have the .mod file in the DNL\Content\Mods folder named 123456789.mod or in the DNL\Content\Mods\123456789 folder named as just .mod I wasn't aware the second was also an option as I had been doing it the first way for ARK. Everything looks to be working, thanks again Dennis!
  8. I'm running it as TCAGame. Just to clarify it does create the 123456789 folder with the extracted mod files and move it to the DNL\Content\Mods folder. It also looks to be creating the .mod file however it has it as just .mod and not 123456789.mod and it is leaving it in the 123456789 folder and not putting it in the DNL\Content\Mods folder.
  9. You are the man Dennis, thanks! One last issue is that it doesn't create the .mod file correctly. It looks to be creating a .mod file inside the mod's folder but not naming it to 123456789.mod (for example) and moving it to the root Mods directory. Any ideas on why this is?
  10. This is the error received when using this method: C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\2495>C:\Python\python.exe C:\Python\DNL_Mod_Downloader.py --workingdir C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\2495\ --preserve --modids 1419630194 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python\DNL_Mod_Downloader.py", line 419, in <module> main() File "C:\Python\DNL_Mod_Downloader.py", line 404, in main if not args.modid and not args.mod_update: AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'modid' Process exited with code 1
  11. It seems arkit.py will not work with TCAdmin as it does not support Python3. I haven't had any luck trying to compile the .exe with the DnL changes either. Did anyone figure out a way to extract the mods?
  12. The DnL mods I looked at were all .z and in the same format as ARK as the game is basically an ARK clone. If I were to use the Ark_Mod_Downloader.py directly (with the appropriate edits) where in the TCAdmin files do I put arkit.py? I tried in the server root directory where you would put the .exe file however it was not finding it.
  13. Has anyone figured out a way to get mods unpacked? I tried editing the .exe with DnL parameters however it doesn't seem to work.
  14. PS4 requires you to given private keys to connect to the Playstation network. These can only be acquired from the ARK developers and are only being given to a handful of companies currently.
  15. It seems the latest update is causing launch issues from TCAdmin. It will launch fine directly from the server but not from TCAdmin. Does anyone have a fix?
  16. It seems the server is not able to properly apply the appID without the Steam Client open (even with a steam_appid.txt file added)
  17. It appears the bindip commandline option is not working anymore. Does anyone know a way to bind IP?
  18. I am getting "The resolution is too low to run this game" error when trying to launch ARK instances on a certain machine. Everything was working fine and all of a sudden sometimes a server will launch and sometimes it will error. All server gameusersettings.ini have standard resolution values set. The screen resolution on the actual machine it set to standard as well. If anyone has seen a similar error, a possible solution is greatly appreciated!
  19. That stinks Dennis I like having them both the same as it looks cleaner in TCAdmin and makes it easier for customers to connect.
  20. Are you able to connect with both the port and queryport the same?
  21. Is anyone else experiencing an issue where the server is connectable however it cannot be seen in Steam, Hurtworldservers.com or in-game list? I have a query port added and even tried turning the firewall off. If anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!
  22. Do you guys have the query port the same as the actual game port or do you make them different?
  23. Does anyone know what the trick is to getting servers to show in the Steam server browser?
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