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Everything posted by Alexr03

  1. Alexr03

    MVC Theme

    We've been going strong for 4 years now! haha
  2. Alexr03

    MVC Bugs

    These bugs have been found on MVC from TCAdmin Clicking `Cancel` on a GameMods page. Does not redirect the user, it insteads replaces the Iframe with the service Home page.
  3. Alexr03

    MVC Theme

    We wont be selling or sharing this theme in the near future. Reason being is that, its more than just a theme, it now requires additional controllers, some database migrations, etc, it is not a simple drag and drop. We may consider sharing in the future if our hosting goes under, etc.
  4. Alexr03

    MVC Theme

    == Update == We have moved the icons to the right of the connection info, so it now fills in the white-space
  5. Alexr03

    MVC Theme

    Currently making a theme, let me know your thoughts so far It also has a console on the same page.
  6. Has this happened out of random or has it always happened since you connected the two systems together? I know we encounter some issues when pressing "Show Versions" that it will just timeout. Usually restarting the monitor on the affected node will fix this. It could also be a firewall issue, so you can try temporarily disabling it and testing it again. If other people have other suggestions they can suggest it, otherwise i'd suggest opening a support ticket with Luis.
  7. Best to open a support ticket with Luis for an issue like this.
  8. Just a thread to keep our suggestions that we'd like to see natively implemented into TCAdmin instead of us creating external software to do it Scheduled Tasks Restrictions - https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=13093 Email Notifications Pagination - https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=13096 Steam Workshop installation by ID - Some clients have to search for their mod and navigate through 20 pages to find the one they was originally searching for, (yeah this is steams crappy search, smh) so being able to install a mod by its ID would be great! Filter Custom Scripts by their name and not the description (Would require the script to have a name set, which isn't possible on some events) Permission for the `StartStop` for users on game configs - We'd like to create a config that can emulate a service, we don't want the service being started since it will not do anything. So we can just hide it. C# | LUA | Powershell scripting support - Implemented Global Links - Similar to global scripts and variables but for links. Mass Email editor - It may be the hardest thing to use in the whole control panel, the editor doesn't scroll below the breaks you enter unless you type a character. I cannot preview, or select the HTML source easily. And the only way I can correctly send out a mass email is to use MS Word then copy/paste the email from there into the editor. Global Custom Script event - I'd like an event to fire on every single task that happens in TCAdmin so I can send it off to a websocket, instead of creating a script for each event to do this, as if I want to edit the script I have to edit each one individually.
  9. On the game configuration page you can click "File System Permissions" Then follow this: Click "User Files" >> Extend "Add Permission by file name" If *.dll; exists in the X section remove it and press save. Click "Add Permission by file name" In the "File Names" text box write "*.dll" and choose the permissions that you want them to have.
  10. I think it would be a good idea to introduce some sort of pagination/default filter to the Email Notifications page. Because when you have over 35,000 emails it becomes a bit slow to load up and hard to navigate 0.o
  11. Hey, Sooooo i've been messing about with discord and tcadmin. And i've managed to come up with some events like make some code fire when a new Task is created and change the code depending on what that event is. Check this out, this is an example of a workshop mod installing: https://cloud.alexr03.com/s/xGjPN69eiMCfnc6 This is a example of a mod being installed and uninstalled: https://cloud.alexr03.com/s/SJRYWXixRWt7JKo It can also live update any tasks that you want, for example a reinstallation. https://cloud.alexr03.com/s/qCCf9XyeMmQAPL9
  12. Cant wait! I may finally be able to load the scheduled tasks flawlessly without having it load like a powerpoint presentation at 1 fps haha.
  13. Hi all! So it seems that someone killed my browser by adding lots and lots of scheduled tasks to constantly Start the server. They added it with the interval of 1 minute. I'd love a way to add a restriction or something like "You can only allow this task to repeat every 1 hour" for example.
  14. I've moved onto another IDE. When I used Visual Studio for developing upon MVC I installed the ASP.NET web stuff. I think that is all you really need. Take a look at this https://help.tcadmin.com/MVC_Templates#Edit_Templates_in_Visual_Studio_2017 If you need some help contact me on Discord: Alexr03#1525 i'll do my best to help you out. (Or contact Luis )
  15. I'm sure it means that it couldn't read the string in the configuration file. I've had this issue before, it happened when the variable was completely empty.
  16. If you run the monitor in debug mode I think it will tell you in the console window when it queries the server https://help.tcadmin.com/Debug_Mode
  17. When the server is on and you join does the players usage increase?
  18. If you have query monitoring enabled, TCAdmin will query the game server every 300 seconds (default), if the slot count has been increased then it will shutdown the server and email the user as per your preferences. Read more about it here: https://help.tcadmin.com/Query_Monitoring#Slot_Detection
  19. Hi, It may be worth downloading a new and better config here on the forums. https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12489&highlight=ark+config You can also try and edit the current config by adding some commandlines. Here is what ark allows in its commandline: https://ark.gamepedia.com/Server_Configuration
  20. If you delete all the themes it should just go back to default, or create a subdomain, point it to the TCAdmin IP and it should give you the choice to pick a theme, then you can just choose default.
  21. Don't try the patching that was in my post before the edit. Luis implemented the fix in the version, let us know if it fixes the memory leak
  22. Check this out? https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=13023 May its the same for the service manager.
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