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Everything posted by Rislem

  1. Hi Guys I am quite stupid with Sql so I am hoping someone with experience can help me. So I am trying to add the Mysql DB when I create a server, so I got all of that right now I am trying to link it to Myphpadmin but here is the snag So wherever I read I will need both Apatche and PHP installed, so most recommend Wampserver Which is cool looks nice, but it installs its own version of Sql, how can I get it to use the already installed Mysql that is on my server? I would generally not care to much about starting from scratch but the Server I am trying to run it from has my TCadmin on it so I cant just shut it down. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I maybe backup my TCadmin DB on Mysql I already have, shut down Mysql, install Wamp and attack my TCadmin DB back or again how can I install Wamp and let it use my current Mysql instead of making a new one. Thank you in advance.
  2. Thanks I even ended up using them for Arma, they are great, just one question is there anyway it could be modified that it adds any new mod it installs to the BACK of the commandline list? Right now if you install a mod it adds the new @MOD to the front of the line, so each and everytime a mod is added you need to edit the commandline manually cause iwth DAYZ most mods require a mod called CF and online community and it has to be first, so yes after you install a new mod, you need to move them again to the front.
  3. Nvm I found my problem, you do need to make sure the variables and commandline is setup properly for it to work. Thanks for the scripts!
  4. Seems I been responding on the wrong threat here. But yes the reason this template doesnt work is because it needs -mod in the commandline
  5. UcJogn no it works pretty well, just had to figure out a few things, once I am done figuring it all out I will give a update on how to make it work.
  6. Nevermind I seem to have found my problem However, now some of these mods, require more than 1 mod to work for example the mod called @notes downloads another mod called @onlinecommunity or something so it copies both mods into the correct folder but it only adds 1 to the commandline, any way you can think of so it adds both to command line ?
  7. Hi Fjamieson thanks for these scripts but I cant get them to work, they download, but they dont move the files or create anything in the commandline, I suspect it has something to do with the Variables # Setup variables servertag="Server" mods="" So, I create them but not sure exactly what is needed, do I create a variable called mods with default value "" and do I tick anything under advance? Like Script paramater ? Same with commandline do just put a -mod in command line or should I be adding -mod=![something] Thanks for the script otherwise
  8. I just have a question regarding the commandline, So for the mod to load shouldnt there be a -mod:@blablabla part in? this commandline doesnt have it, so how does the DZSALModServer.exe know which mods it needs to let clients auto download? I see no config file where it can be put it either. and the scripts he has for download mods simply download them on steam and paste them in the root.
  9. Thanks Dennis, Before I look into that, my TCadmin doesnt use a SQL when I orginally setup TCadmin I just used the build in Sql lite DB it creates, is this going to be a problem ?
  10. You LFA are a gentleman and a champion Please be so kind and answer another questions does TCadmin have any built in SQL editor or something? I have clients that have ARMA server but it uses a SQL database, is there anyway they can edit the DB through TCadmin or do they need to use 3rd party like mysql workbench etc? I do apologize in advance if this info was available somewhere but I did try to look for it before asking.
  11. Hi Guys In most games, my CPU and Memory live stats shows the entire boxes memory and CPU. In Minecraft for example you can put a min and max memory so the client can see his usage, is there a way to do it for other games? Like Ark/Conan etc etc?f
  12. Anyone know what the RCON protocal is for Dayz?
  13. Since your so helpfull, the opens a console and to stop teh server you need to type in the console /stop Now I turned on console input but logs show it just kills the process, also, I turned web console on, ticked console under web console output source I put console output and web console input, I put console commands, So if I open web console in the server I can see the server, I can type console commands at the bottom but they dont seem to actually type in the console menu. Any ideas?
  14. Hi LFA thanks I figured it was that but I changed it a few times in the template with no effect, but since what you said made sense I checked my actual server, and it seems even though I updated the template it didnt update the server it was still using working directory as bin\ which yes, had no data folder inside of it thank you very much problem solved lesson learned
  15. Sorry I was not able to attached more than 2 files, but this is how a "working server" logs look like the start of it Main Thread ID: 1 Enabled Traces: Avorion server Beta 0.29.6 r19037 60436ea95a15 running on Windows 10 starting up in "C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\794\saves\myserver" CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 32 Cores RAM: 192GB Initializing networking... Starting game server on ip *.*.*.*, 3290983540 Server version, as listed publicly: SteamGameServer_Init call failed Error starting steam-based networking. Falling back to standard TCP/UDP protocols. The server will not be authenticated via Steam and won't show up in public server lists. WARNING: The fallback TCP/UDP protocols are deprecated and potentially UNSAFE! If you're running a dedicated server, this is HIGHLY discouraged! Use steam networking instead; Enable with --use-steam-networking 1 Warning: No RCON password set. RCON disabled. Loading global variables... Found 0 mods in "C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\794\saves\myserver\modconfig.lua". name: Akara seed: cBrpFDPJd9 port: 27015 ip: *.*.*.* max online players: 10 save interval: 600 broadcast interval: 5 max loaded sector time: 300 weak update: yes worker threads: 64 generator threads: 16 script background threads: 8 difficulty: Expert infiniteResources: no collision: 0.25 access list: Blacklist public: yes authentication: yes listed: yes steam networking: yes send crash reports: yes administrators: Warning: Your server does not have an administrator assigned. Initializing sector database... Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 0]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 0] with id 2 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 1]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 1] with id 3 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 2]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 2] with id 4 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 3]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 3] with id 5 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 4]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 4] with id 6 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 5]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 5] with id 7 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 6]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 6] with id 8 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 7]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 7] with id 9 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 8]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 8] with id 10 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 9]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 9] with id 11 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 10]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 10] with id 12 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 11]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 11] with id 13 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 12]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 12] with id 14 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 13]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 13] with id 15 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 14]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 14] with id 16 Starting thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 15]... Started thread [Create Sectors WorkerPool Thread 15] with id 17 Starting thread [save Sectors WorkerPool Thread 0]... Started thread [save Sectors WorkerPool Thread 0] with id 18 Initializing faction database... Starting thread [save Factions WorkerPool Thread 0]... Started thread [save Factions WorkerPool Thread 0] with id 19 Initializing galaxy...
  16. Hi Everyon I got a little brain scratcher here I cant get my config files to work. If I launch the game with the below command manually bin\AvorionServer.exe --datapath C:\TCAFiles\Users\Admin\794\saves --ip *.*.*.* --galaxy-name myserver It works perfectly, see logs attached, but when I run it using the exact same commandline it complains about a ton of files it all of a sudden cant find, I have made a few config files in the past and I just dont know what is going on here. If anyone has a moment to look please check. I have also attached my config files Broken Logs.txt Avo - Windows.xml
  17. Anyone else having this issue? No matter what I place in steam settings It gives me the below error if I manually download it usign a steamCMD it works just fine force_install_dir "" -beta latest_experimental Command not found: -beta
  18. Has anyone gotten thsi to work, this is the main issue, Rcon doesnt work on TCadmin conencting to Ark
  19. Hi Everyone I am having 2 issues, so assistance would be much appreciated. 1) Since the new template came with a TCadmin update, my player count is always showing 0/50 no matter the player count, anyone have a idea why? CPU and memory works fine but player count always on zero 2) I cant get RCON commands to work, if you go to schedule, and schedule a raw command to broadcast in game or save world or whatever, it doesnt work, it says it went in successfully but nothing happens in game. I suspect number 2 is because the query protocol is wrong or Rcon protocol, For Query its set to use Half life 2 new, and Rcon its set for consuleinput. Not sure why its on console input though cause technically you cant put any commands in the console or do I understand it wrong? Has anyone encountered this or could someone advise me on your settings so the above 2 things work?
  20. @DennisMidjorg Thank you very much exactly what I wanted to do.
  21. Hi EVeryone I got a VIP client that is asking if there is a way I can create a backup botton for him, that he can click and it backups his servers. Now I am thinking of just making a batch file to do this, but the issue is how do I stop his services with a batch file and start it after the copy has taken place? I am thinking of something like this Stop service Run a Rar.exe to zip the folders. Copy the zip to desired location Start his service Then somehow I need to be able to add this to a schedule for it to run Any idea's where I can start or suggestions?
  22. Hi There you go, I took someones setup that was here originally, I fixed the command line, the folder structure, I added more permissions for clients outlaws - Windows.xml
  23. I also have a config file which I took from someone on TCadmin and modified it to work so if anyone is still struggling let me know will post mine
  24. Hi Fjamieson I am not sure how to do that I will have to check, but can it not just ran as the admin user I swear I saw something like that somewhere in the settings.
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