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Everything posted by Rislem

  1. Hey Dennis I found the issue, the default gamemode cant be Vanilla anymore, its apparently broken Change your gamemode variable to survival and it works. it can be any game mod just not vanilla
  2. Hey Anyone having the issue with rust+ I can connect the app to the game server and every function except the map If I click on the map button it says server offline?
  3. Anyone found a solution for palworld just using CPU Group 0 I tried several things but I cant get the servers to start with anything other than CPU Group 0 This is mainly servers with more than 1 CPU in but yeah its spiking my CPU 0 and causing a massive in balance.
  4. Anyone have any success with loading mods?
  5. Hey Adam So ever since people said high CPU I been monitoring it, TCadmin sometimes says yeah 20% cpu but then if I RDP in and watch it, its barely hitting 1% on my AMD server So not sure if this is accurate have you tried looking directly with RDP?
  6. it using 1 GB memory when idle is normal There is currently nothing in the console last I checked anyway Have you tried connecting using the ip:port ? Make sure those ports are open on your firewall
  7. I wouldnt stress further about it, I wuold like to get query working though. any luck getting that to work?
  8. I have only had success with EpicApp=Palserver I have tried both however, but ill continue to test. everything ELSE seems to be a - like -port etc etc
  9. Anyone else servers start lagging badly after 30/60min ? got about 9 servers running now but they are all lagging after a while, I highly thought its the hardware but cant find more info about it anywhere. Are you guys using these switches? -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS
  10. ASA can bet setup and run exactly like ark, just use the dedicated Steam App ID Problem right now is there Terms and conditions is very crappy but even bigger problem, I am running 2 servers, one has 26 people online and is using 50GB of memory... No clue how any company can resell that or even host it for that matter.
  11. Thanks Dennis I used a force stop button nice loop around for me The next thing I am having issues with whenever a client changes anything in the settings.cfg file it does not merge with server.cfg or it only merges onces and never again. Is there a way I can check logs to why? Also is there any reason why the settings isnt just directly changed in server.cfg ?
  12. Rislem

    Remote Admin

    Hallo I been using this for very long works perfectly on my master and several of my remotes, except one. I get t his error on my remote any idea how to fix?
  13. Hey Dennis I am hoping you can resolve a long standing issue for me Sometimes a clients server stalls, then pressing STOP on tcadmin does nothing, just spins and spins and spins. The only way I am able to then stop the server is by RDPing and killing the process. I have looked at your custom scripts and I mean you seem to have a ton of "after stopped" but it seems the server isnt stopping for those scripts to work. Do you think maybe a custom script/icon with a "Force STOP" to at least kill the process would work? cause if I can just give a way for a client to force stop the server if the stop button fails then the "After stopped" scripts will kick in and help. Do you think this would work and how would such a script look?
  14. If you want to start your own hosting company, and you have the knowledge to code a panel, code a website, code a billing system. More power to you. But in any business model for game hosting you need to cover all your: Website costs, Billing panel cost, server hardware rental or purchase cost and very very important your game hosting panel. If you can code or do any of the above yourself, it will save cost, if you cant any business tends to pay someone When I started my company, I had a silly website that looked bad cause I didnt have money for one, my invoices was done by hand using Excel... but my control panel was always paid for, no way I have the knowledge to code such a panel. Hosting game servers, is not a "quick rich scheme" it takes time, planning, dedication and very big choices that might pay off or not. If your looking to make a quick buck because you own a server and a decent internet line, go open source panels.
  15. But Tcadmin is only for business? TCadmin is a panel that companies can use to resell servers. He does offer lower end licenses for clients that just want to manage all there servers on a single control panel, but you dont need this you can always just use RDP to a server and do all the setups. Tcadmin is a game hosting panel, its branching out to cover smaller aspects as well but its main business purpose is to supply game hosting companies big and small with a control panel that does everything.
  16. Thanks Dennis appreciate your help let me know if I can help somehow
  17. looking at a default config file, seems they decided to call it "webdashboard" <!-- Admin interfaces --> <property name="WebDashboardEnabled" value="false"/> <!-- Enable/disable the web dashboard --> <property name="WebDashboardPort" value="8080"/> <!-- Port of the web dashboard --> <property name="WebDashboardUrl" value=""/> <!-- External URL to the web dashboard if not just using the public IP of the server, e.g. if the web dashboard is behind a reverse proxy. Needs to be the full URL, like "https://domainOfReverseProxy.tld:1234/". Can be left empty if directly using the public IP and dashboard port --> <property name="EnableMapRendering" value="false"/> <!-- Enable/disable rendering of the map to tile images while exploring it. This is used e.g. by the web dashboard to display a view of the map. --> <property name="TelnetEnabled" value="true"/> <!-- Enable/Disable the telnet --> <property name="TelnetPort" value="8081"/> <!-- Port of the telnet server --> <property name="TelnetPassword" value=""/> <!-- Password to gain entry to telnet interface. If no password is set the server will only listen on the local loopback interface --> <property name="TelnetFailedLoginLimit" value="10"/> <!-- After this many wrong passwords from a single remote client the client will be blocked from connecting to the Telnet interface --> <property name="TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime" value="10"/> <!-- How long will the block persist (in seconds) --> Hope this helps you
  18. Hey Mr Dennis Once again thanks for your config files, since the new release today, the way the configs setup looks changed once again... <!-- Admin interfaces --> <property name="ControlPanelEnabled" value="![ControlpanelEnabled]"/> <!-- Enable/Disable the web control panel --> <property name="ControlPanelPort" value="$[Service.CustomPort1]"/> <!-- Port of the control panel webpage --> <property name="ControlPanelPassword" value="![ControlPanelPassword]"/> <!-- Password to gain entry to the control panel --> Needs to be deleted or it wont start up, havent compared it to the new setup but yeah I can confirm you need to delete those 3 lines for a server to boot, I assume once it goes stable, your normal configs also will cause server crash
  19. Couldnt agree more, I think I have been with Tcadmin for 5 years now and from what it was till what it is now is amazing and it keeps getting upgraded thanks to people "outside" of management like you said, Alex, Dennis, Adam all those people are constantly taking feedback and getting TCadmin to add features. So yeah, just take my money please and give me a working TCadmin.
  20. No Thanks if you ask me Here is my 10c why There is already a ton of FOSS software out there for control panels and frankly there mostly garbage. TCadmin has given me a opportunity sot start a company that none of those FOSS allowed, mainly because its open source, so no one that has proper templates will share it and a ton of people take the opportunity to ask money for there templates anyway. TCadmin support team, mainly Luis has not on a single occasion turned a question down, can be as simple as "hey will this script work?" to "hey tcadmin is bugging out like a mad man" I am not paying because TCadmin is the best, I am paying cause the support has not once let me down. They say "you cant put a price on good service" yeah you can, and I'm paying it. Again my opinion. Regards
  21. Hi Dennis So someone a lot smarter than me told me the following, He says if he opens the below link the web console just stays black and does nothing. https://tcadmin.mydomain.co.za/Service/Console/3356 Thats ofcourse just a sample But when he does the below it works https://tcadmin.domain.co.za/Aspx/Interface/GameHosting/ServiceWebConsole.aspx?serviceid=3356&forcemobile=false Seems it has something to do with the forcemobile commmand? is this something you can help with or maybe I should ask Luis to have a look?
  22. to my knowledge on there wiki page you need the -beta But more importantly it works fine if I manually open steamCMD and use app_update 233780 -beta
  23. Hey guys, I am getting the below error when trying to update the game or even install it any ideas ? I do use a seperate account with steamguard disabled the account works fine if I manually do it but using tcadmin it give these errors
  24. Using Windows Strangely enough it hasnt been ever working for me that I notice, but I will give the monitor/manager a full restart and see what happens and give you feed back.
  25. Hi Dennis Once again thanks for a awesome template been using it for a while. I just want to ask does the web console work? if I click web console mine just spins and never opens anything. This is the settings I checked if this is still correct?
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