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Everything posted by Rislem

  1. bought the game, installed it, no files, nothing mentioned anywhere so I dont think the files are out yet. All the hosting companies that have "pre order servers" all still saying "coming soon"
  2. Game is released but still cant find anything.
  3. it does still import it but its virtually empty, no serttings configs nothing
  4. Getting this error when I try to import. Unknown column 'enable_forcebindip' in 'field list'
  5. Thanks ill try it and let you know, I dont understand why the ping was so high but ill reinstall one with this config
  6. Hey JungelNZ Thanks for the template but was hoping you could give me a hand 2 major issues 1) Massive lag, I am getting 400ms using this template, I got thousands of other games running so I am 100% sure its not a network or hardware issues on my side. all ports are open and yeah still 400ms 2) I suspect its a port but the web console doesnt work when I click it it goes to the ip:port for example but does nothing. Is there some settings I need to edit to fix this that you are aware of?
  7. Hey Dennis Any chance you could add a "experimental build" button to the template?
  8. After deleting the save files it created a new map and playfield. Gave it 10min then stopped it, tried starting it now it gives this error Logs are flooded with the bottom error now. It doesnt create playfields and if you try to join the server it gets stuck on loading, like its waiting for a playfield to open. 5-15:02:54.830 17_02 -LOG- Limiting the number of worker threads on a dedicated server to 8 25-15:02:55.147 17_02 -LOG- Loading file 'C:\TCAFiles\Users\johannesmeyer\2314\DedicatedServer/../EmpyrionConfig.yaml' 25-15:02:56.744 17_02 -LOG- Save game version v1.7.8, Build 3720 25-15:02:58.052 17_02 -LOG- Game dat file loaded 25-15:02:58.354 17_02 -LOG- Loaded sector file C:\TCAFiles\Users\johannesmeyer\2314\DedicatedServer/../Saves/Games/DediGame/Sectors/Sectors.yaml with 28 playfields, needed 198ms 25-15:02:58.680 17_02 -LOG- Generating stars=15685 took 322 25-15:02:58.680 17_02 -LOG- Faction statistics enabled 25-15:02:58.684 17_02 -LOG- Mode=dataHeader, GameSeed=1011345, UniqueId=1550138574, EntityId=3001 25-15:02:58.691 17_02 -LOG- Task Type=parentAddress ThreadId=62568 ManagedId=5 25-15:02:58.766 17_02 -LOG- Start Game 25-15:02:58.766 17_02 -LOG- Server started listening on port 30000 25-15:02:58.854 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Starting server 25-15:02:58.863 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:861] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [SetLogCallback] Procedure: 0000016CFF6EE6D0 LogLevel: Verb. 25-15:02:58.863 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:861] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Initialize] ServerName: 'Empyrion' RegisterTimeout: 60. 25-15:02:58.871 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 1h EventName: 'game_round_start' Parameters: { map_name (string) }. 25-15:02:58.871 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 2h EventName: 'game_round_end' Parameters: { winning_team_id (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.871 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 3h EventName: 'player_spawn' Parameters: { player (client), team_id (uint32), character_id (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 4h EventName: 'player_despawn' Parameters: { player (client), player_death (uint32), player_killer (client) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 5h EventName: 'player_revive' Parameters: { player_revived (client), player_reviving (client) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 6h EventName: 'player_tick' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_health (uint32), player_tickflags (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 7h EventName: 'player_useweapon' Parameters: { player (client), player_position (vec3f), player_viewrotation (quat), player_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), melee_attack (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 8h EventName: 'player_takedamage' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_victim_position (vec3f), player_victim_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker (client), player_attacker_position (vec3f), player_attacker_viewrotation (quat), player_attacker_fov (uint32), weapon_id (uint32), hitbone_id (uint32), damage_taken (uint32), damage_flags (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: 9h EventName: 'player_downed' Parameters: { player_victim (client), player_attacker (client) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ah EventName: 'player_death' Parameters: { victim (client), victim_shots_fired (uint64), victim_shots_landed (uint64), attacker (client), attacker_shots_fired (uint64), attacker_shots_landed (uint64) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Bh EventName: 'game_round_start_v2' Parameters: { map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Ch EventName: 'game_round_start_v3' Parameters: { gamesessionid (string), map_name (string), mode_name (string), round_time_seconds (uint32), start_frame_number (uint64), start_delta_seconds (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.872 17_02 -LOG- EAC: Inf: [EAC Server] [Info] [17:02:58:871] [Windows] [EAC Server] [Info] [Cerberus] [RegisterEvent] EventID: Dh EventName: 'player_use_ability' Parameters: { player (client), ability_id (uint32), ability_duration_ms (uint32), ability_cooldown_ms (uint32), ability_effect_flags (uint32) }. 25-15:02:58.894 17_02 -LOG- Now listening for PfServers on port 30003 25-15:02:58.895 17_02 -LOG- Thread 'TestNetwork1' ThreadId=14944 ManagedId=7 Win32Exception: Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion. at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo) [0x00102] in <b5226d7672da4aeaa36d32bf1166a63b>:0 at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start () [0x00032] in <b5226d7672da4aeaa36d32bf1166a63b>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo) [0x0001b] in <b5226d7672da4aeaa36d32bf1166a63b>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.ControlFactory.ConnectOptions (System.String , System.String , System.Boolean , System.Boolean ) [0x0003e] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.ControlFactory.ToggleDomain () [0x0011a] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.ControlFactory.ToggleConfig (System.Single ) [0x0003c] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.PluginConverter.QuoteAssembly () [0x00055] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at MBS.Update () [0x00008] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0
  9. Hey JungleNZ Thank you for the upload but it doesnt seem to work for me, I tried on serveral different servers and all do the same, check logs below, it gets stuck and doesnt more forward 25-14:34:06.347 16_34 -LOG- Limiting the number of worker threads on a dedicated server to 8 25-14:34:06.650 16_34 -LOG- Loading file 'C:\TCAFiles\Users\johannesmeyer\2314\DedicatedServer/../dedicated.yaml' IOException: Cannot create C:\TCAFiles\Users\johannesmeyer\2314\Saves\Games\DediGame because a file with the same name already exists. at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path) [0x0006a] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create() at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path) [0x00036] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path) [0x0008f] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.Plugin.DisconnectControl (System.String , System.String , System.String , System.Boolean ) [0x0000b] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.DiskEventArgs.ToggleConfig (System.String ) [0x0005d] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.DiskEventArgs.TestNetwork (System.Boolean ) [0x0003d] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at Assembly-CSharp.PluginConverter.TestNetwork () [0x00142] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at MBS_S.set_RebuildAssembly (MBS_S+AspectResolver ) [0x00014] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 at GameStartup.Awake () [0x002af] in <29e77e38672e47c691ee34bb3e345440>:0 Setting up 32 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 5a90 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 9d44 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 93ec -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: b4e8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: e180 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: af98 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 4cc4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 4128 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: af24 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 7044 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 6920 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: c3fc -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 7254 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: fd60 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: b160 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 95e8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: d1bc -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 1004c -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 6df8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: c260 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: cae4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5734 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3828 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: cb30 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 952c -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3304 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 640c -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 48f0 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: d2c4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: c9f0 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: a244 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 103d0 -> priority: 1
  10. The only solution I found was to write a Custom Icon script with the below details, otherwise it simply wont update. C:\Steam\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir c:\%ThisService_RootDirectory% +login W**********l 1********* +app_update 1794810 -validate +quit
  11. Hey Gottesshard I keep getting this steam error. If I manually open Steam CMD the game tells me I need to first use Force_Install_Dir before I login and attempt to App_Update Please note this is with the server App ID 1794810 Right now I have to manually update each game after a update, from what I can see below it doesnt log in using my username/password I use for the game I own. I asked Luis to have a look but he doesnt get this error but I send him the app ID for Myth now so hopefully he will get the error Loading Steam API...OK Logging in user to Steam Public... OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 "@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1" @NoPromptForPassword ***** "@NoPromptForPassword ***** force_install_dir "" set_steam_guard_code "NONE" -validate Command not found: -validate Redirecting stderr to '\logs\stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation...
  12. For some reason when I update my server the save files go missing, anyone else had this issue?
  13. Hi JungleNZ Thank you for config, works perfectly, I however added the Multihome because my boxes got tons of IPS so its easier for me. But its exactly as you said, it will in logs show like @tmyrdal gsaid butb the moment the first person joins, you can choose a name/adminpassword and a bunch of setttings then say "create" I tested it, the auto save seems to be 5min So far so good for me thank you, do you know if there is a way to change save file location? if not it will likely be added at a later stage
  14. Hey Dennis I was wondering if I could get hold of you on discord or something, I used your template as I was having a issue with crossplay. and overwrited mine, I made a backup of mine. I ran a vertification like you said in game tools, now however no one can travel, it created .tempprofile for anyone that tries I have seen this in the past and fixed it and I was able to fix it but biggest issue now is if someone transfer to lets say Island to Rag, then back t Island, his inventory keeps multiplying, so if he had 100 wood it goes 200, 300, 400 ... till the server crashes. I have tried using my template again and pretty much undo everything I did, but yeah it seem it has caused permanent damage to all my cluster client, have you seen this before?
  15. Hey I am working on one now and will share when I am done I suspect if it needs to start with a powershell command you could probably just use a bat file, not sure how that will work but will see
  16. ah nice I think i added you on Steam haha, to ask if you seen that problem I have in the above screenshot where my umod install just times out.
  17. Hey MarkMorris, so you still use Steam update? cause my issue is if a client updates the game it overwrites umod. Also one of my servers gives me this issue, have you encountered it before? It feels like a port thats closed on my firewall but I cant figure out which one, SteamCMD works just fine. it just constantly times out. works fine on my one remote server but the rest it just gets stuck like that.
  18. Hey Will you be updating the template to use umod? I see umod has a few fixes to the game but problem is umod needs to be installed on the server and you need to use umod commands, you cant just copy umod into your install files because steam update will overwrite them sadly. I found a few ways around this but curious how the pros do it
  19. Hi Guys I am looking for a Windows config for Squad, I have a working one but I more specifically need the Steam workshop Browser scripts, to install a mod and to delete a mod. If I can buy it from you please contact me.
  20. Rislem [www.GamingEvolved.co.za] #9987 or discord.me/gamingevolved
  21. Hey Mr Numpty I have my own arma exile template but yours looks a lot fancier so giving it a try So I added it, I went and edit the custom script where it wants to create a user with the root username/passwords, however I get the below error if I try to create a game server. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IDENTIFIED BY 'GTrOIp06a3'' at line 1 Not sure what I am missing? Edit: I want to add that I can see it create the DB in MySql so that part is working.
  22. Thanks but they did add the feature ? Thanks for all the responses guys
  23. No clue why I cant post in game config files anymore the new forums is not so user friendly Anyway, so in Ark you can set a schedule to check for updates, my question is does anyone have any idea how to setup a script or event or something that if the schedule finds a update, it first sends a broadcast warning people its going to shutdown and update. You dont need to share your configs but if someone could just point me in the right direction please.
  24. yeah cant get tcadmin to start up again, so I exported all DB using the wizard, Then went to services disabled tcadmin and MySQL Started up WAMP edited everything so its same port and password Logged into the new sql using workbench, imported TCadmin DB Started tcadmin in services, wont load. I dunno So I stopped Wamp, stopped TCadmin services, started Mysql services again and started Tcadmin again.
  25. Thanks I will try what I suggest I am just so scared of breaking my own server hahaha
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