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Everything posted by Rislem

  1. Killing0 have you been able to setup a bottom ? where I am confused is to have a button for when Oxide updates, how would someone update his oxide? The plugins I dont mind someone uploading cause there usually small so they can use File Manager to upload plugins but the oxide files contain a DLL file so I would need to setup some type botten that can update the oxide when it needs to. If anyone has a working button and doesn't wish to share but would sell it to me please contact me privately.
  2. Hi Everyone I have recently acquired a TS re seller license but I have clients asking to be able to edit there banners, but by default each server I install does not give them permission to do it. I have tried to edit the Default.SQL file but I am not sure what to edit :S Is there anyone that could please advise me one what line I should change to what to be able to let them. Thanks !
  3. bump, no one even have a proper arma 2 config file I could work with?
  4. Hi There I have a client that wants to rent a Arma 2 Dayz Overpoch server, I tried looking through all the posts but cant find one thats like this. Does anyone have a working Arma 2 Dayz Overpoch game setup file ? If you dont have one that does exactly that maybe just a proper arma 2 setup file and then a small guide how to install the dayz/overpoch mods? Thanks, I am willing to give the person that helps me a small donation/gift for his trouble. Kind Regards Rislem
  5. Has anyone been able to make a config file for this ?
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