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Everything posted by ucjohn

  1. Taking a community poll to discuss this topic, if @LFA is okay and on board with it and the rest of the community. I'll put one up for the the community and we will have moderators. Luis can pop in and out at his own accord
  2. If we had a community Discord Server would you use it?
  3. We would like a designated "File Approver" to handle these tasks outside of moderating forums, someone who can give the Yes or the No to files if you check the staff directory it's very thin lol..
  4. Yes there is we just have to appoint people to verify them.
  5. 1. My bad was just a duh thing on my end, after being up for far to many hours apparently delete was just easier then hiding it. 2. I agree with this idea that member group can submit a file, once verified and validated then it'll appear in download section. The club idea was more for Developers to have a private area. Xenforo to alot of people there admin ACP is very confusing, Invision Power boards makes it very easy for owners, admins to move about streamline and easily. I hope together we can work on this community, I'm here to help keep it alive and going strong. I have removed the limitations to uploading content in forum posts. The download system will be sorted soon just replacing a screen on a cell phone atm..
  6. I have removed some of the useless clutter on the sidebar of the forums and kept relevant blocks there.
  7. @LFA was the one who I've contacted about this it was his decision and I'm just helping the community, there is nothing wrong with someone assisting a very busy guy. Just cause I'm not active on the forums doesn't mean I wasn't active in behind inside the billing area talking via support ticket, I've been talking with Luis and the previous owner since around 2014 about helping, and upgrading the forums. It went on and off for years but with 2020 here now it was time to upgrade and move into the future. About the donation post, yes I removed it cause I had found a solution there was no need for you to get upset over one single post being removed. For this I'm sorry. We are only making changes to better help the people whom use the forums, if you want to see something implemented then by all means ask for it. The download section there is nothing to test, you apply to join the club you get accepted then you can upload new files into the download section, it's to make sure files are verified that they work instead of someone just making a new post in the forums and uploading it and it breaking something inside TCadmin. It's just a "Install and theme" kinda forums it's not as off putting as Xenforo as that post to use that forum system was years ago. I have a Xenforo key that's paid for and not being used either, but that's neither here nor there. I'll make a sub section in the Forums with Website "Issues & Requests" and this will allow people to request and vote on new features. Once it's approved by the community then we will make them? Lifted the limitation @DennisMidjord you may now attach files to forum posts like you used to be able too. Regards, John
  8. Well change is good especially good ones since it was in need of updating, Also look down at the bottom of the Forums under "Other Stuff" - Advertising is still in the same spot it always was, I checked the permissions over 6 times to verify they were all correct as per user group you are in. Click here! https://community.tcadmin.com/forum/19-advertising/ If it doesn't display feel free to notify me and I'll correct it asap.
  9. Yes @LFA is still very much around, no it hasn't changed ownership I'm just helping Luis out and giving everything a fresh overhaul he's a very busy guy.
  10. Looks great, aww not nice the TCadmin dark theme is, different. Poor @TCAdmin will cry!
  11. Hello everyone, DEVELOPERS GAME CONFIGS & THEMES Please apply HERE We have introduced a new system to better streamline everything, when you join the group you will be placed into a new group called "Plugin Developers" Which will allow you to Maintain your files easily. If you have 1 config but you update it frequently all you have to do is update the original download previous versions are all saved and it will automatically create a forum topic that you can provide general public support!! We give you the ability as developers a private area outside from the public to address bugs and issues and collaborate within the developers that are there. MEMBER NOTICE All new files can be downloaded HERE Regards, UCJOHN
  12. Thanks ? glad you like it and more features will be available soon.
  13. I've now completed everything you've asked for! Enjoy...
  14. Invision Power Boards already has a mobile version but Tapatalk is now enabled! Enjoy
  15. We will see what the near future holds...
  16. Thanks, I wanted to contribute and give them a fresh look update into 2020, the next feature will be a "toggle" from dark to light version of the theme! I'm in the background working on refining things and it's no brighter then the old forum but I like how IPB makes everything streamline! Check back as I'll be updating and adding new features. The Steam Profile and steam login is a great feature as TCAdmin used steam good combo eh.
  17. It needs -mod -servermod In the Command line Varibles.. I attempted this myself and it sorta worked.. lol
  18. So using your XML and I just ended up using a random TCadmin bat to use Steamcmd to download all mods I wanted. But seems there is a issue.. http://prntscr.com/mobux8 I have everything loaded and setup correctly but the server is acting like the mods aren't there I can see them in the console but it's not loading them.. any idea?
  19. would be nice if you had of added this part to make it easier.. http://prntscr.com/mnyz8o Unsure if this is able to be done with DayZ but I don't see why not.
  20. How do you presume to get mods from steamworkshop to load onto the server? Without alot of extra footwork like A3..?
  21. ucjohn


    Does anyone have a working Rust Config for 2019? I tried a few even the default one and the server name keeps displaying the cmd line [$HostName]
  22. Invision Power Board would be nice to have a plugin, I have been using it for over 8 years.
  23. I can also help.. add me on steam: ucjohn
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