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Everything posted by Gotteshand

  1. Hi. What version is your server? There are 2 versions 1x client and 1x server https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/388254-pc-patch-notes-client-v30667-server-30687/
  2. I'm sorry, I can't. As soon as I change that, he won't delete a mod folder anymore. If I leave the old one it only deletes the mods that didn't have a teaching sign in their name so they are from Steam from the beginning zb @CBA_A3 import clr from System import Array, String from System.IO import Path, Directory servermods="" mods="" if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("ServerMods") : servermods=ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"] if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("Mods") : mods=ThisService.Variables["Mods"] ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"]=servermods.Replace(String.Format("@{0};", FileTitle), "") ThisService.Variables["Mods"]=mods.Replace(String.Format("@{0};", FileTitle), "") # Delete mod folder modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle)) if Directory.Exists(modfolder) : Directory.Delete(modfolder, True) # Update command line ThisService.Save() ThisService.Configure() Here is the old script and it only deletes mods created by Steam But he does not delete mods where the teaching signs have been taken out. For example @CBA_A3 If I change that he deletes the normal mods with the _ no more e.g. @CUP Vehicle changed by the script in @CUP_Vehicle Not nice but it works like this and now he deletes all mods import clr from System import Array, String from System.IO import Path, Directory servermods="" mods="" if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("ServerMods") : servermods=ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"] if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("Mods") : mods=ThisService.Variables["Mods"] ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"]=servermods.Replace(String.Format("@{0};", FileTitle), "") ThisService.Variables["Mods"]=mods.Replace(String.Format("@{0};", FileTitle), "") # Delete mod folder modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle)) modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle)).replace(" ", "_") if Directory.Exists(modfolder) : Directory.Delete(modfolder, True) # Update command line ThisService.Save() ThisService.Configure() Also the script has problems with this mod e.g. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=701300272 It won't download at all. On the local PC in the Arma MOD folder it looks like this @PLP Urban Packs- Barriers and Fences. Problem seems to be the different spelling of the mod creators
  3. Now Works After Workshop Content Uninstalled import clr from System import Array, String from System.IO import Path, Directory servermods="" mods="" if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("ServerMods") : servermods=ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"] if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("Mods") : mods=ThisService.Variables["Mods"] ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"]=servermods.Replace(String.Format("@{0};", FileTitle), "") ThisService.Variables["Mods"]=mods.Replace(String.Format("@{0};", FileTitle), "") # Delete mod folder modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle)) if Directory.Exists(modfolder) : Directory.Delete(modfolder, True) # Update command line ThisService.Save() ThisService.Configure()
  4. Ah now uninstalling does not work from keys and the MOD folder
  5. Your the Best yes it works You should change the FileId to FileTitle because Arma doesn't need the Mod ID but the whole MOD name looks like this modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileId)) modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle)).replace(" ", "_") The FileId must be changed several times in the script import clr from System import Array, String from System.IO import File, Path, Directory, SearchOption servertag="Server" servermods="" mods="" if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("ServerMods") : servermods=ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"] if ThisService.Variables.HasValue("Mods") : mods=ThisService.Variables["Mods"] if Array.IndexOf(TagsArray, servertag) == -1 : ThisService.Variables["Mods"]=String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle) + ";" + mods else : ThisService.Variables["ServerMods"]=String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle) + ";" + servermods # Move folder to correct location modfolder=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, String.Format("@{0}", FileTitle)).replace(" ", "_") Directory.Move(InstallPath, modfolder) # Move keys to root key folder modkeys=Path.Combine(modfolder, "keys") rootkeys=Path.Combine(ThisService.RootDirectory, "keys") Directory.CreateDirectory(rootkeys) if Directory.Exists(modkeys) : for file in Directory.GetFiles(modkeys, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories): keyfile = Path.Combine(rootkeys, Path.GetFileName(file)) File.Move(file, keyfile) # Move key to root key folder modkeys=Path.Combine(modfolder, "key") if Directory.Exists(modkeys) : for file in Directory.GetFiles(modkeys, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories): keyfile = Path.Combine(rootkeys, Path.GetFileName(file)) File.Move(file, keyfile) # Update command line ThisService.Save() ThisService.Configure()
  6. Would it be possible to replace the spaces with a _?
  7. No does not work Arma 3 does not load mods with spaces "-mod=@Exile;@CDAH Mod Pack;@Extended_Base_Mod;@Enhanced_Movement;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Weapons;@BWMod" 20:10:18 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cdah_workshop 20:10:18 Missing addons detected: 20:10:18 cdah_workshop I have written CDHA as a test with spaces
  8. No not yet basically it would be enough if all spaces are deleted my current commandline looks like this I currently use my own Config XML from Arma 3- It contains all the mods like Exile / EPoch etc -ip=xxxxx -port=2302 -cfg=exile\basic.cfg -autoinit -mod=@Exile;@CDAH_Mod_Pack;@Extended_Base_Mod;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Weapons;@BWMod -servermod=@ExileServer;@obfusqf;@infiSTAR_Exile;@infiSTAR_TM;@infiSTAR_customApps;@A3XAI -profiles=D:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\34\ -config=exile\server.cfg
  9. Hi @All. It's about this script: https://help.tcadmin.com/Workshop_Browser#Arma_3 The problem is that ARMA does not like spaces in the mods. Example when downloading this MODS https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=497661914 After download and installation the folder looks like this on the ROOT: @CUP Units But it must look like this with all mods: No spaces @CUP_Units Anybody got a quick fix? Thanks a lot.
  10. View File Vintagestory - Windows Server Requirements By the Game at here https://www.vintagestory.at/store/category/1-game-account/ Start the Downloaded File vs_install_1.12.5.exe or Newer Version Start the Exe and Install to vintagestory Copy the vintagestory folder to Your X:\TCAFiles\Games folder Installation Server Config Download the config Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import Save the config as a new config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current Vintagestory config. Remember to select Vintagestory in the 'Update Game' field if you do Leave all other settings Features Configuration Editor Support / Basic Settings ToDo´s Translate to English Player Stats sometimes incorrect Submitter Gotteshand Submitted 3/5/2020 Category Game Configs *New*
  11. Ok now Works Big Thx for Help
  12. Ok Sorry but where under Ressourcen ?
  13. Now First Version German Only Translate Comes later
  14. I Hope so Once I'm done, I'll upload the config
  15. Hi I have tried the two variable ones and the result looks like this TCADMIN Config "ModPaths": [ "Mods", "$[Service.RootDirectory]\Mods" ], TCADMIN Game Live Config "ModPaths": [ "Mods", "D:\TCAFiles\Users\DRT_Support\130\\Mods" ], This is wrong, there must be two \ Correct it must look like this "ModPaths": [ "Mods", "D:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\DRT_Support\\130\\Mods" ], Serverlog: Version: v1.12.5 (Stable)04.03.2020 15:02:03: Critical error occurred Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Bad JSON escape sequence: \T. Path 'ModPaths[0]', line 17, position 9. bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadStringIntoBuffer(Char quote) bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseString(Char quote, ReadType readType) bei Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadStringValue(ReadType readType)
  16. Hello, everybody. I have created a config and will make it available later today. Many greetings You have to buy the game and unzip it into the vintagestory folder. Don't start it because it creates all the files on the first start. Similar to Minecraft https://www.vintagestory.at/ EDIT: I currently have only one problem and I'm trying to solve it Version: v1.12.5 (Stable)03.03.2020 20:37:55: Critical error occurred Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Bad JSON escape sequence: \T. Path 'ModPaths[0]', line 17, position 9. Config: "ModPaths": [ "Mods", "$[Service.UserDirectory]\Mods" ], In the final it must look like this "ModPaths": [ "Mods", "D:\\TCAFiles\\Users\\DRT_Support\\130\\Mods" ], The Same at Saves
  17. Yes the Lizenz is ok License Type: Enterprise Remote Servers: Unlimited User Remote Servers: 10 (7 required) Last Update: 04.08.2019 16:36:12
  18. Hi Via *.bat d: start D:\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe What's funny he shows me not even that there is an update, I update manually https://i.imgur.com/XjHkNg8.png
  19. Hi. I have now updated all servers to the latest version and now I get the following error message Unknown column 'tc_games.custom_home_view' in 'field list' This error comes when I want to show the game server Does somebody has any idea? Have first gedowngradet all servers again THX
  20. If you start the server now with a Start.Bat it works DedicatedServer64\SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe -console -ip IP ADRESS -port PORT -path "D:\TCAFiles\Users\xxxx\xxxx\"
  21. Hi We have the Same Problem, After the last update, our servers are no longer running. If you have a newer config we would be very grateful VG
  22. Hi. Already have a config but you still need testing.
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