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Everything posted by Gotteshand

  1. Ah the New Map is out Commandline "TheShard?Multihome=$[service.IpAddress]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?ServerPassword=$[PrivatePassword]?RCONEnabled=True?ServerAdminPassword=![RCONPass]?RCONPort=$[service.RConPort]?bRawSockets?listen" -nosteamclient -game -server -log -servergamelog -servergamelogincludetribelogs -ServerRCONOutputTribelogs -useallavailablecores -usecache ??
  2. Thank you very much if it works, please tell me your Paypal Email Address;)
  3. Hello. That's super nice thank you. I use the files only for me Private and my community. The main problem is that after each restart the old Savefile stops running. Have already tested several files and all have the same problem. The last file was from BRIT. Big Thx dnl - Windows.xml
  4. Hi. Does anyone have a working config here? My seems to be no longer the last update and the server stops after a short time Many Thanks
  5. HI Change to Half live 2 New by Query Protokoll under Query und RCon Protokolle Its the same we Arma 3 VG
  6. Of course I pay for a running config
  7. @Numpty Yes does the config work here for standalone? No Importing is not going on an error Unknown column 'requires_https' in 'field list'
  8. Hi. I have some updates seemingly the problem that my XML file is outdated. The server starts and runs but after a restart the server stops running. Has something changed? The DLL files I have missing are always manually copied to the binary folder Does anyone have a current XML file? Many Thanks
  9. Hi. Since now soon the release comes and the server files are Publik it would be interesting to have an ongoing XML file. Can this be used for this and only needs to change the SteamID of the game later? Best regards
  10. Hi My consumption is even more CPU: 20.67%. But it is running I will update the days times have changed at the commandline something else where you can change the level of difficulty etc
  11. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=78901&postcount=7
  12. Hi. Yes, the server is still running and without problems. You absolutely need Oxides then he also stores sensibly in the directory of the server without further changes to the commandline Best regards
  13. Hi. So my config works with 1 server super and also the files are stored correctly in the folder of the server. Important it must be installed oxides to do so simply select updates OXIDE installation rest goes automatically Server must run as a local. I know I have to change a little bit but that's the way it works Best regards TheForrest - Windows.xml
  14. Hi. I'm looking for a config that includes mod updates that it is not possible on the go mods to update, etc. Does anyone have a config that can? I also pay for it and it should not be in vain and I will not redistribute the config etc
  15. Hi. Does anyone have a configfile and would like to share this? Many Thanks
  16. Hi. Unfortunately no, it gave up and stop it without TCadmin
  17. You're right as soon as you start The Forest via TCAdmin you get an error message. This has to do with the fact that TCadmin is running as server service. If you start the Forrest with a Start.Bat file it just stops without TCadmin
  18. This error message I get synonymous if in the server by tcadmin start the shame that it does not want to be started as a service with a bootable it
  19. All good. You have to start the server with gravity normal and then start a new save file then everything is normal and also spawn monster
  20. no without oxides, it is not because of the memory state https://puu.sh/z6o8k/b1c75b6162.png
  21. Hi The Server.cfg in the gamefolder come frome Oxide
  22. Hi Numpty I have a finished one of mine maybe that helps something. Unfortunately, no monsters spawn I Have Install Oxide server.cfg veganMode off vegetarianMode off resetHolesMode off treeRegrowMode on allowBuildingDestruction on allowEnemiesCreativeMode off TheForrest - Windows.xml
  23. Hi. Does anyone have the xml for The Forest here? Of course, it should not be in vain. Many Thanks
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