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Conan Exhile Dedicated Server


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I gotta know something. We haven't been able to run multiple servers when using GameServerPort and GameServerQueryPort in the command line. It simply doesn't bind the ports. Using Port and QueryPort works fine. It's the same with ARK.


Anyone else experiencing this?

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in the config file it is showing ConanSandboxServer.exe

but i never get this file from the download

i am using appid 440900

I tried appid 443030 ( i was assuming this was on the beta) anyway when i use it on steamCMD i get (no subscription) error


any ideas?

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Jesus christ this thing runs like pure crap. Id have to say this is worse than the Ark release for me. Get constant crashes when a player joins. Lag and rubberbanding when close to NPCs. Only way i got it to run without crashing was to run it outside of tcadmin. Ports dont bind with command line or with me adding to the engine.ini. looked up and saw BE was causing lag and issues for alot of people but its disabled by default now.. Honestly think they could of waited a bit longer to do more testing before releasing and slapping a 40 dollar price on it. Its not worth it. Ill wait before i pick this up for myself when i see some stabilization with servers. I expected them to to be resource hogs like ARK/Rust etc. Script errors for dayzzzzz when near NPCs.


Anyways if anyone has a fix for any of this like some config editing could you share? If its out of our hands then ill have to wait for some more patching.


Thanks to the folks thay released the configs for tcadmin.

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add this to config files


the game start but i can not see it in steam

I went back to check

the config get removed from the Engine file.

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it said join my ts3 ill try and help




Thanks for all your help. We got two servers up and running (separate servers)... Now if we can figure out the port issues (which seems to be a common issue) ... we can really use TCadmin to its fullest!

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Has anyone found out a way to change the default port from launching 27015?


I've changed the command line, as well as the engine.ini and used a .bat file


I've used "GameServerPort" and "Port" And "ServerPort"



Edited by TRUgaming
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