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Crew's Ark Config Files

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  Jus61 said:
Why are the mods stored in this path:



And again, here: G:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\5\ShooterGame\Content\Mods\829467257


When deleting the server I always have problems ( powershell 260 character limit )


Also I figured out what causes this error. It actually is some of the mods make the file paths too long when deleting the server. I will have to script a delete script to possibly delete the mods before the server gets deleted.

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Done. :)


[b]Update 3 - v1.03:[/b]
- Added -clusterid commandline option for people making server clusters
- Added -ClusterDirOverride option for people making server clusters
- Added AltSaveDirectoryName variable in the Main Config File to allow changing the save directory location for the server. (Useful for running multiple instances)

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  thewreckingcrew6 said:
Done. :)


[b]Update 3 - v1.03:[/b]
- Added -clusterid commandline option for people making server clusters
- Added -ClusterDirOverride option for people making server clusters
- Added AltSaveDirectoryName variable in the Main Config File to allow changing the save directory location for the server. (Useful for running multiple instances)



Nicely done, thank you!

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  thewreckingcrew6 said:
Also I figured out what causes this error. It actually is some of the mods make the file paths too long when deleting the server. I will have to script a delete script to possibly delete the mods before the server gets deleted.


Description: Delete long file names

Script Engine: Batch

Event: Before Deleted


RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\SteamCMD

RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%ShooterGame\Content\Mods


EDIT* not sure why the forums are adding in spaces, ignore those

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i am having problems with not being able to join the server after it is installed. it got a pid tho. can i hire someone to fix it? i am not a gsp with unlimited money, just a private person. i run it on a server hosted at ovh with windows 2012. please pm me if you want to do the job :)



Edit: it lookes like for some odd/stupid reason this forum dont have a pm function? you can email me at henrikkroko@gmail.com if you want to contact me :)

Edited by kroko
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  Ragonz said:
Description: Delete long file names

Script Engine: Batch

Event: Before Deleted


RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\SteamCMD

RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%ShooterGame\Content\Mods


EDIT* not sure why the forums are adding in spaces, ignore those


Bless your soul, was planning on getting to this today. Will test it out here in a second with the mod that was causing the issues.

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  Ragonz said:
Description: Delete long file names

Script Engine: Batch

Event: Before Deleted


RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\SteamCMD

RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%ShooterGame\Content\Mods


EDIT* not sure why the forums are adding in spaces, ignore those


Use the CODE tags when entering commands. That should take care of the spaces.



RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\SteamCMD
RMDIR /S /Q "%ThisService_RootDirectory%ShooterGame\Content\Mods

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  • 3 weeks later...
  thewreckingcrew6 said:
Howdy Xandok! That would be Ark's fancy MOTD setting! You should be able to go into your main config and edit that to your liking!


If you have any trouble, do let me know. :)


But I can not. Where exactly do I change that name? :(






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  thewreckingcrew6 said:
So go to Configuration Files > GameUserSettings.ini


And then you will see this section: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6049aumapc4nvxf/Screenshot%202017-04-15%2002.25.52.png?dl=0


Simply edit that along with whatever else you would like to edit and hit save, then restart your server and you should be cookin!


Yeah, this part I know how to do. But what I really want to do is change that message to: "Server Hosted by XANDOK.com", on all servers that create automatic. How to make? :(

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  mocfunky said:
The server files delete after I update the server. Is this a known issue?


I have yet to run into this problem myself.


Though let me do a test here real fast.



- Just ran a test, and my config files were not deleted on update. I sadly do not know what to tell you, but Ark servers tend to be very random.

Edited by thewreckingcrew6
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