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Ideas for TCAdmin Config Repository


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Please use this thread to post ideas on how you think it would be best to share game configs for the benefit of the entire community.


I would like to keep the configs under these forums if possible.




*Please note that no one is required to share their game configs. Only those that wish to may if they like. Once a config is posted consider it as public. Anyone can use it, or make changes to it.


Anyone looking to make configs for $$$ should post in the advertising section of our forums.



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I know that Xenforo has a very decent resource manager, but you've already told me that it's going to be a nightmare migrating. XenForo do however have a way of importing data from other forum software that might work: https://xenforo.com/help/importing/

I have a license that could be used for testing the migration.


I'm not sure how much can be done an old vBulletin version in order to accomplish somewhat the same, but I'd guess it's pretty limited.

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I stand by my original statement, although I haven't read into Xenforo at all yet, so it might change.


I myself would enjoy the separation. Github for development and development discussion, like a topic per config/game so to speak.


Keep the releases on here with changelogs and dates, including credits. Follow up posts will include the changes and who helped on it and such.

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But when working with configs for TCAdmin, the configs doesn't really contain much code that can be changed. The part of the code you can actually change is not that important.


This is true. However... users could post their ideas etc... regarding the config, commandline and requirements. I workspace for everyone to post their knowledge of any aspect of the game.


On the downside, only one person can really work on the config from what I am reading on GitHub?


Maybe I am wrong?...

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Are we talking like, put certain people in charge of certain configs?


We are just spitballing ideas. Nothing will be put into place for a while. I want to get some feedback from everyone first.


For now, let's try to keep the configs in the forums. If you create a new config let me know and I can sticky the post to make it easier to find for new users.


Also... if you could update your posts with changelog info for your config(s) that would be a great help!




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I like the idea of Github, people can make pull request and "uploaders" can make their wiki pages for their configs. would be good if every uploader would be put in one group so all configs are easily findable rather then them posting a link here or everyone would need to follow all uploaders. On the other hand changing Forum software to Xenforo would not be a bad idea. a addon can be bought for file management. Just an example: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/


Would be good for themes, config, etc etc. Once you have the license you have the software. And Xenforo isnt too hard to use. Its quite easy. If there is help needed im willing to help where i can :D

And the addon for a wiki. would iliminate the use of an other 3rd part wiki software, can just use Xencarta.

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XenForo seems to be a good solution, both in terms of forum software and a marketplace - allowing both free and paid configs.


Your idea is great except this community is not about paid configs. Making money and taking donations for your work is not what this community is about.


However, I would be completely ok with either github or xenforo. I have used both.

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