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ARK: Survival Evolved (Supports Clusters)


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That's most likely not an issue with the config but rather your TCAdmin installation. It could be that the new remote server doesn't have an SSL certificate while your web panel is accessed via HTTPS.

Open the developer console for your browser (usually by pressing F12) and see if there's any errors in the console tab.

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I'll get it out there


DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://pgjjikdiikihdfpoppgaidccahalehjh/webspeed.js.map: System error: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.terminal/2.29.1/js/jquery.terminal.min.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not parse content for https://cp.din-server.dk:8881/3rdParty/iframeResizer/iframeResizer.map: Unexpected token '<', "
<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.terminal/2.29.1/css/jquery.terminal.min.css.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

But don't tell me anything

we have no business running over cloudflare

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tried deleting cache and it didn't help

CDN was already on and have tried turning it off but it doesn't work either


on every other game server that runs on the server that works Console  just not on ARK

we have another server running windows 2016 and it runs fine on that

Edited by volborg
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  • 2 weeks later...

When I update to the new 2.0.182 The Steam Workshop becomes a blank page and mods are messed up. I tried deleting the steam apps folder but the workshop was still inaccessible just showing a blank page. Steam update works but the workshop is blank. Is there anything I need to do for this config to get the Workshop back with the latest TCAdmin release? 

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I had similar issue; try this fix from LFA.

Hi, try this:
Login to remote desktop.
Go to start > services. Stop the service named TCAdmin Monitor.
Go to C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2
Search for all files named Newtonsoft.Json.dll and delete them.
Then open a command prompt as administrator and execute this command:

"c:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe" 2.0.182


see if that sorts it.

Edited by jungleNZ
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On 1/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, jungleNZ said:

I had similar issue; try this fix from LFA.

Hi, try this:
Login to remote desktop.
Go to start > services. Stop the service named TCAdmin Monitor.
Go to C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2
Search for all files named Newtonsoft.Json.dll and delete them.
Then open a command prompt as administrator and execute this command:

"c:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\TCAdminUpdateTool.exe" 2.0.182


see if that sorts it.

Sweet. Thank you. That worked. 

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Others who have problems with ARK after the update 355.14

when we try and log in it comes with this inside the game    connection timeouts

log from server

net_misc.cpp (203) : Assertion Failed: g_cnIPThisBox < k_nMaxIPThisBox
net_misc.cpp (203) : Assertion Failed: g_cnIPThisBox < k_nMaxIPThisBox
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsServer
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 63.21 MB used, 63.21 MB peak
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 50.80 MB used, 50.93 MB peak
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 110397.50 MB used, 171997.27 MB total
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 4418.23 MB used, 134217728.00 MB total
[2023.01.16-19.46.48:018][  0]New Save Format enabled
[2023.01.16-19.46.48:019][  0]ARK Version: 355.14
[2023.01.16-19.46.48:019][  0]PID: 248036
[2023.01.16-19.52.04:197][  0]Primal Game Data Took 314.07 seconds
[2023.01.16-19.52.15:933][  0]SteamSocketsOpenSource: gethostname failed ()
[2023.01.16-19.53.10:188][  0]Server Initializing with BattlEye Anti-Cheat Protection. If you do not wish to use BattlEye, ple
ase launch with -NoBattlEye
[2023.01.16-19.53.10:190][  0]BattlEye successfully started.
[2023.01.16-19.53.39:597][  0]Server: "DoomDK" has successfully started!
[2023.01.16-19.53.39:757][  0]ADayCycleManager DayCycleManager3,
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:127][  0]Commandline: TheIsland?MultiHome=91.210.xx.xx?Port=7777?QueryPort=27015?RCONPort=27020?MaxPlayer
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:127][  0]Full Startup: 430.80 seconds (BP compile: 0.00 seconds)
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:127][  0]Number of cores 20
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:305][  1]Server attempting to run new years event
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:305][  1]Sever Is not set to official or running NewYearEvent argument
[2023.01.16-19.53.55:162][ 55]Set New Years event location: -86711.156 - -171866.203 - 430.878

net_misc.cpp (203) : Assertion Failed: g_cnIPThisBox < k_nMaxIPThisBox
net_misc.cpp (203) : Assertion Failed: g_cnIPThisBox < k_nMaxIPThisBox
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsServer
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 63.21 MB used, 63.21 MB peak
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 50.80 MB used, 50.93 MB peak
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 110397.50 MB used, 171997.27 MB total
[2023.01.16-19.46.46:880][  0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 4418.23 MB used, 134217728.00 MB total
[2023.01.16-19.46.48:018][  0]New Save Format enabled
[2023.01.16-19.46.48:019][  0]ARK Version: 355.14
[2023.01.16-19.46.48:019][  0]PID: 248036
[2023.01.16-19.52.04:197][  0]Primal Game Data Took 314.07 seconds
[2023.01.16-19.52.15:933][  0]SteamSocketsOpenSource: gethostname failed ()
[2023.01.16-19.53.10:188][  0]Server Initializing with BattlEye Anti-Cheat Protection. If you do not wish to use BattlEye, ple
ase launch with -NoBattlEye
[2023.01.16-19.53.10:190][  0]BattlEye successfully started.
[2023.01.16-19.53.39:597][  0]Server: "DoomDK" has successfully started!
[2023.01.16-19.53.39:757][  0]ADayCycleManager DayCycleManager3,
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:127][  0]Commandline: TheIsland?MultiHome=
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:127][  0]Full Startup: 430.80 seconds (BP compile: 0.00 seconds)
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:127][  0]Number of cores 20
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:305][  1]Server attempting to run new years event
[2023.01.16-19.53.53:305][  1]Sever Is not set to official or running NewYearEvent argument
[2023.01.16-19.53.55:162][ 55]Set New Years event location: -86711.156 - -171866.203 - 430.878


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  • 2 months later...
5 hours ago, Dennis said:

Try increasing the amount of minutes between each save and see if the server still crashes.

I trying change to 30mins it crash.

Some server it not crash, It running normal if first time save world not crash

I must have to create new Game Services to fixed crash and I have to check server crash or not in first save if not server will run normaly.




Edited by MillerCKT01
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/30/2023 at 5:18 PM, Dennis said:

Check the Log Viewer > Service Logs. If a service is restarted, stopped, started, crashed or anything, it should appear in those logs - along with what caused it.

It show only this message. no one change setting private to public but it alway alert this message when auto save active in ARK




Stop	SYSTEM	Monitoring (service changed from private to public)


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3 hours ago, Dennis said:

Are you sure the service has a private password configured? It needs that if you set it to be a private service.

Uhm.. you mean password in GameUserSettings.ini > ServerPassword right

if right yeah in that config have password




Oh... I see something


I Try to select Public then it not shutdown after save
if I select private it shutdown after save 

What that mean Private, Public ? 

if It means service have Password must select Private or you not have Password you must select Public is that correct ? 




Edited by MillerCKT01
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@MillerCKT01 the issue has been fixed in the latest version of this game template.

The private rule for this game was set to 'password' while it should be 'passworded'. You can either install the latest config or make the change manually in your current configuration.

A private server is a game service that must have a password. I don't know if this is still the case, but years ago game hosts used to offer private services for a cheaper price. Since the service was private, it was - in theory - using less resources to run.

A public server can be joined by anybody. A public server can also have a password, though - but a private server must have a password.

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