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New Wolfenstein PC


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Actually Rich thats the list they gave us in a Email. It's not a secret and if you or anyone else made the list and it's incorrect then I'm sure when there official page goes up it will be corrected.


No need to be a A**hole.


Also a List of providers isn't actually a product now is it. Sheesh.. ;)



No worries Patrick. I just didn't see the point of your post. It appeared like gloating..


BTW, Good luck on your non-smoking! I smoked for 20yrs and gave it up 3+ yrs. now :) Don't miss it at all.

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FYI. The Config posted in this thread is the old WolfET config which I'm pretty sure everyone already has loaded in they're panel. Just change the exe line and your good to go..


Can you explain that abit more please?


I have created a new folder WOLFPC in the GameInstalls and placed the contents of the DATA folder from the ServerLite on the disk. Using the config here i can install a new server and I can start it, but it cannot be found on either GameTracker, or in the game list.


Once I moved it into the new WOLFPC from the exsisting WOLFET I cannot see it in the create Game Server list ?


Abit confused ?


Thanks in advance.


Also I am in the UK and I host Game Servers, but they are not charged, only recently started using TCA.

Edited by Addy
forgot something
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I have this command line:


+set dedicated 2 +set fs_savepath "C:\UserFiles\******\GameServers\TC75621783020467700363177\" +set fs_userpath "C:\UserFiles\*****\GameServers\TC75621783020467700363177\" +set net_ip "***.***.***.**" +set net_port "27960" +set sv_maxclients "12" +exec server.cfg


but when I try to connect to the server I have this:


FATAL ERROR: Failed to restart with pure mode restrictions for server connect



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I have this command line:


+set dedicated 2 +set fs_savepath "C:\UserFiles\******\GameServers\TC75621783020467700363177\" +set fs_userpath "C:\UserFiles\*****\GameServers\TC75621783020467700363177\" +set net_ip "***.***.***.**" +set net_port "27960" +set sv_maxclients "12" +exec server.cfg


but when I try to connect to the server I have this:


FATAL ERROR: Failed to restart with pure mode restrictions for server connect




You need to change si_pure 1 to si_pure 0 in server.cfg

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Okay... noob question.


We are running a server "box" that has 6 TF2 servers and I am trying to add a Wolfenstein server. I loaded the template and the config file listed in this thread and I can see and start the server in TCAdmin. When I click on [More Info] next to Running, the Game Server Status looks fine. It sees the host and it returns the server name. Then I go to game-monitor.com and I can't see the server either by searching by name or IP. Additionally, I try to connect via the console in MP mode and when I type in the IP address, it tries to connect to an entirely differnt IP (I assume it is my server IP) but it never connects it just says trying to connect.


In my template, I clicked on Only Use Server's Primary IP and I changed pure server to 0 but I am not sure what else I can do. I am worried that because I have 6 other IP addresses on my server box that it is not working but I am just guessing at this point. Any suggestions would be appreaciated.

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Okay... server seems to be working if I enter in through the console and direct connect (still don't know how to make it show up in the general listings). I am having a problem with number of players tho... it looks like there is always one player on when there is not and when I join the server I am the only one there.


Anyway... I am sure I will figure it out. Thanks for the help!

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Sorry... imanoob... I don't know what this means. I see slashes in


Relative Working Directory

Relative User Files Directory


and I removed those, but I did not see any other trailing slash.


Basically it's in the command line. You neeed to change..


+set dedicated 2  +set fs_savepath %gameserverroot% +set net_ip "%serverip%" +set net_port "%serverport%" +set sv_maxclients "%slots%" +exec server.cfg




+set dedicated 2  +set fs_savepath %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% +set net_ip "%serverip%" +set net_port "%serverport%" +set sv_maxclients "%slots%" +exec server.cfg


its basically the %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% thats important. :)

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Thanks Johnny5! I learn new code every day it seems. Server is running great now!


One more question and then I think I am golden.


The server status shows 1/16 players all the time even though there is no one on. I have checked all my minPlayer/maxPlayer settings and they are the same as the His-Mother config. Thoughts?

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