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Issues with Minecraft


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Hey All,


I'm having some slight issues getting Minecraft to run on my server with TCAdmin.


I've installed TCAdmin, setup the Minecraft game, placed minecraft_server.jar in the Minecraft game file folder, and created a new server.


Inside the panel, it says "Running (pid 0)"


Despite several restarts, the server will not start.


I'm new to all this TCAdmin jazz, so I could be missing something. Could someone give me a heads up as to what I'm doing wrong?


Thanks :)

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im getting the same issue, ive installed TCAdmin v2 on a windows server 2008

ive installed java from there website and its verfied as working.

but it seems the minecraft wont start.


ive got the files for MC from what comes with tcadmin and the default command line is set to -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui


anyone got any idea that could help?



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