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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Just open the Minecraft client, click "Multiplayer" and then join the server using the IP.
  2. @qspider and @Jimmy-CS I just tried on our Ubuntu test server, and everything went fine. If you want me to investigate, could you please send me a DM with admin login to TCAdmin and the Linux server?
  3. Can you elaborate on that? I don't understand, sorry.
  4. Game services will not be affected by the URL of TCAdmin. Those two things has nothing to do with eachother.
  5. You need to make sure that the server is started (check the status in TCAdmin and check the server's console). Also make sure that the ports required by the game server is open in your firewall. Once you're sure everything is fine, you should be able to join the server using the IP and port.
  6. What do you mean by accessing the games? There's a button that takes you to the control panel on your last screenshot.
  7. As I explained before, you need to create custom fields and/or configurable options. Once they're configured, you will be able to configure the module settings. It's all explained in the documentation. See this: https://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS#Module_settings
  8. No, you will have to enter them into the "Module settings" tab. You'll need to use Custom Fields or Configurable Options as described in the documentation.
  9. It says "Not available" under "Remote Usage" because you haven't configured the status URL. That's not needed.
  10. That's the correct module. Now you just need to configure it as per the documentation.
  11. That is not the TCAdmin2 module. You need to download it from here: https://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS
  12. Could you share a screenshot of the module settings for the product?
  13. Did you follow these instructions? https://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS
  14. Games files should be located inside of the TCAdmin\Games directory. By default, this is C:\TCAFiles\Games on Windows or /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games on Linux. TCAdmin is a game server control panel. TCAdmin is being used to make administration of your game servers easier. To join the server, you need to start your game client (the Minecraft Bedrock Edition client) with the same version of Minecraft that the server is running. Once your client is started, you can join the server using the IP and port (the part you crossed out with black on your screenshot). In an ideal scenario, you'd be using a billing system like WHMCS, Blesta, WiseCP or similar. Customers order a game service through your website, and your website tells TCAdmin which service it needs to setup. You can see information about the TCAdmin module for WHMCS here: https://help.tcadmin.com/TCAdmin2_advanced_module_for_WHMCS
  15. What's New in Version 1.4.7 You will need to have TCAdmin or later installed for this to work. See how to update here: https://help.tcadmin.com/Updating After updating the config, please go to System > Settings > Game & Other Voice Servers > Rust and click "Update existing services". [Fixed] Script to move log files [Changed] Log files are now moved during BeforeStarted instead of AfterStopped [Changed] Server now writes to logs\latest.log
  16. Dennis

    Install error

    I don't think it's possible to install such and old version of TCAdmin anymore. I don't think the installers are public. If you need help installing an old version of TCAdmin, please login to the client area and open a ticket.
  17. Dennis

    Install error

    Older versions of TCAdmin are slower than the current version. You will not gain any performance by downgrading to a 3 year old version of TCAdmin. I would highly recommend you don't use older versions of any software.
  18. Dennis

    Install error

    Why are you trying to upgrade to version 2.0.119? That version is more than 3 years old. If you can use /home/tcadmin/Monitor/updatetool you've already installed TCAdmin. You can't install TCAdmin if it's already installed. Could you explain what you're trying to do?
  19. Dennis

    Install error

    What command had you executed prior to getting that error?
  20. If you want to, sure. AdoptOpenJDK or Adoptium are not required for this config to work - but if you do not set environment variables for JAVA8, JAVA11, JAVA16 and JAVA17, new installations of Minecraft services will use Adoptium by default.
  21. No, you can use whatever variant of Java that you want, as long as you've configured environment variables for them. There's no OpenJDK 17 from AdoptOpenJDK, though.
  22. What's New in Version 2.1.1 [Fixed] TCAdmin can now determine Java version when using Forge version 32.0.0 and later
  23. What's New in Version 2.1.0 [Changed] AdoptOpenJDK replaced with Adoptium (Termurin) [Changed] Now using SDKs instead of JREs. Adoptium will not be serving JRE. This will result in slower setup times and more file space being used. [Added] Java 17 Minecraft 1.18 snapshots now require Java 18. [Improved] Startup script can now detect when Java 17 is needed
  24. Ah, I see. I'll add Java 17 as soon as I get the time. It'll require some changes to the script that decides what version of Java to use when starting the server.
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