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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. You don't need to install MySQL on the remote node, just on the Master server. Once you install the remote node, you need to enter the MySQL credentials for the Master.
  2. Dennis

    Error on login

    Once you get an answer from support, it wouldn't be a bad idea posting the solution here in case someone else runs into the same problem
  3. As Rai points out, it's just not possible to automatically create the token. Well, it is possible if you create a whole bunch of tokens yourself, add a script that reads all of these tokens from a text file and then select a token that's not in use - but that will be YOUR token. The whole reason why it's now obligatory to add the GSLT is because Valve has forbidden the use of plugins that allow you to select skins (such as !knife plugins) because this in some way ruins the market for skins. You aren't allowed to use plugins that can change your rank to e.g. Global Elite. Now, the first thing Valve did was blacklisting IP's that ran these kinds of plugins. Only problem was that they blacklisted the entire IP, meaning all servers running on that IP (eg. port 27015, 27025, 27035 etc.). Now, to avoid that, the client now has to link their server with their Steam account via the token - when the server gets blacklisted, it's only the client's server, not the entire IP. You can see here if a server has been blacklisted: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetServersAtAddress/v0001?addr=<insert IP>
  4. Everything should be connected to the same MySQL database. Your first example is correct.
  5. And what I meant was that you can set the name of the log file in the server's command line most of the time.
  6. This only works if the backup server is Linux, though. You'd have to create a batch script if it's Windows.
  7. This can be done really, really, really easy using a bash script. We use this to create remote backups from all TCAdmin servers to our backup server. How it works: Our backup script is being run as a cron job from our backup server. The backup server is told to connect to our TCAdmin server, find all folders that starts with tcagame* and download them into a folder on the backup server that includes the server name and the date and time of the backup. Once the backup has finished, the script sends us an email. It removes old backups as well. This exact script has been created to take backups from a server that has an a record called "game001.primaservers.com". Change the name and domain to fit your needs. #!/bin/sh function sendMail { TOMAILAA=$1"@primaservers.com" TIME=$( date +%d.%m.%Y-%H.%M.%S ) SUBJECT="Server backup | Game001" echo "Backup of $SERVER has been completed." | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $TOMAILAA } function dl { TIME=$( date +%d.%m.%Y-%H.%M ) SERVER=$1 REMOTEDIR="/home/tcag*" SAVEDIR="/home/backup/" DOMAIN="primaservers.com" cd $SAVEDIR mkdir $SERVER"."$TIME scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -P 22 -r $SERVER"."$DOMAIN":"$REMOTEDIR $SERVER"."$TIME echo "("$SERVER") Download was successful!" } dl game001 find /home/backup/* -mtime +2 -exec rm -r {} \; sendMail support #END
  8. Can you start it directly from RDP?
  9. For most games, you can specify a file that the game should use to log the output.
  10. http://tcadmin.com/features.php Maybe it's only for v1?
  11. Or you could just use the same link for a "Latest Oxide" as an Update
  12. There's no way to download it. It was just something I messed with. I accidently deleted it Lol.
  13. Clients should create the token, not you. The token is used to link the server with the steam account.
  14. He wants the file itself, containing all phrases. I've asked Luis for the file some time ago, and he said that there's no way to export the file.
  15. The restart, stop and start buttons are already integrated into WHMCS if you use the module :-)
  16. I know a lot of people are interested in the file. How about just uploading it? :-)
  17. Windows if you want to host Rust. Don't run servers for Windows on Linux via an emulator.
  18. Update is going fine here.
  19. Seems like Linux is broke somehow... People are saying that they'll wait for the devs to fix it.
  20. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand nothing goes according to plan.... I'll let you know once it's ready.
  21. It's ready in 10 minutes if everything goes according to plan
  22. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?p=74363#post74363 I got you, Graham
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