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Everything posted by sparky81

  1. anyone know of a script to define master/slave for atlas? iv seen it out there just need a push in the script if anyone knows? edit: Don't matter, I found the answer lol
  2. not many ppl will share that said config as alot goes into making one. Its not hard to get a working config. Everything has been said in the setup doc's by atlas alls you have to do is implement it into TCAdmin. And most of that setup has also been explained here https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12931 even by me. I don't mind helping you get a working config for yourself.
  3. anyone got a issue with maps not showing ingame? after update the maps have stopped working even if i host the files on a web server?
  4. I have redis and atlas all working fine. Just rename the redis to the service ID use a start and stop script for redis. Rename.... @echo off cd "%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\AtlasTools\RedisDatabase" ren redis-server.exe redis-server-%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe Start..... @echo off cd "AtlasTools\RedisDatabase" start redis-server-%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe ./redis.conf Stop..... taskkill /F /IM redis-server-%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe All this has been said by other people. But no ones given the scripts. Hope it helps you guys.
  5. As Crunkinshoe said you have to make the maps for the server in order to get the server up. Can confirm the server files work with the right setup.
  6. coz clients don't always want to do a full server restart when updating things in the whitelist. and bec is funny sometimes bec needs to be restarted on some updates hence clients restart just bec
  7. first you need to rename BEC with after created... @echo off set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC" cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" ren BEC.exe BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe then make a new script for after started with... @echo off set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC" cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f config.cfg --dsc and for restart BEC have this... @echo off taskkill /F /IM BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC" cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f config.cfg --dsc Hope this helps guys its how i have it in my cfg's and they don't let me down.
  8. first you need to rename BEC with after created... @echo off set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC" cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" ren BEC.exe BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe then make a new script for after started with... @echo off set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC" cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f config.cfg --dsc and for restart BEC have this... @echo off taskkill /F /IM BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe set BEC_LOCATION="%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\BEC" cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start BEC_%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe -f config.cfg --dsc Hope this helps guys its how i have it in my cfg's and they don't let me down.
  9. taskkill is working with my updated info. will upload new cfg
  10. A good few things have changed in this game for dedicated servers you have to bind the ip with -sv_bind CHANGE-IP. starting ports.. Game Port: 64087 Query Port: 64089 RCon Port: 64092 Query Port Expression: $[service.GamePort] + 2 RCon Port Expression: $[service.GamePort] + 5 Now i just need to work out the Query and RCON Protocols
  11. I would rename the exe and then use that taskkill to stop the exe I'm having a problem in even getting the server to start up grrr
  12. I will test too. See if i can add or see any problems. same as numpty ill reupload updated cfg.
  13. did you get chance to look pal?

  14. put it on my drive here the link pal :)

  15. hi pal whats ur email so i can send you this config?

  16. This page isn’t working clientforums.tcadmin.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500
  17. Wont let me send it you can you pm me ur email
  18. ok pal thanks so much ill send it you in pm
  19. thanks numpty but i did remove BEC out of it now. Would be ace if you can help me get it working have lots of clients asking for it lol
  20. yeh i tried that but is for some reason crashed the whole server
  21. Hi guys. So iv managed to setup whitelisting for Dayz. but have a problem restarting the script. What is the right code i need to use to kill the script for that said service. So it shuts down the exe for a restart on it? Thanks so much
  22. Has anyone got a Config for this ?
  23. i have the config and it works fine. iv got client servers running with this config. check your setup.
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