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Everything posted by sparky81

  1. nope it down to whmcs v6 . Tcadmin have a ticket open with them but they said its a error and they will fix it at some point. here is what my ticket with tcadmin said..... It's a bug in WHMCS. The instructions under "Friendly Display Names" don't work anymore for new orders: http://docs.whmcs.com/Addons_and_Configurable_Options#Friendly_Display_Names Instead of sending the value to the left of | it's sending value on the right. I have been trying to get them to fix it but they say "this is expected behavior". My ticket with them is #xxx-xxxxxx in case you want to put pressure on them to fix it. The workaround for now is to go to the client's service in WHMCS. Click on save. Then click on create. If that works then we know WHMCS is saving incorrect values for new orders so you have to update it manually to fix it. I did this and it was a fix.
  2. I GET THIS ERROR AND NEVER HAD IT BE4 PLEASE HELP ? System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value 'UK' for voice_datacenter is not valid. It must be numeric. Parameter name: voice_datacenter at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.xc9f5c0c708acbff6() at Web.GameHosting.billingapi.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  3. I don't have Skype so if you can come on to a gaming clan ts3 would be a big help ?
  4. i really don't mind paying as long as the work gets done right. config files i pay for needs to work first time and have no errors. It will be just basic config files that im not having to wait around for other people to share! Like i said trying to get free configs round here is like trying to get blood out of a stone!
  5. how much are you going to charge per config tho ?
  6. its many game configs not just one. this is why i said i will pay!
  7. ok so trying to get a config files from here is like trying to get blood out of a stone, so i am willing to pay someone to make me the configs as long as they don't charge over the moon! Would anyone be willing to do the work. Thanks for your time.
  8. it wont let me change the commandline tho ?
  9. i keep getting this error - The server xx.xxx.xxx.x:27035 has not responded 119 times and has reached the maximum number of allowed failues. Please investigate. Could any one help please using the last windows Xml ?
  10. it updates just fine for me with steam update
  11. anyone got a full working config yet . im willing to pay for it too
  12. i have fixed it now , it was coz i was trying to use the root user to connect to the database . i made a new user and and changed it all in the master server then ran the config again and all is well and working fine. thanks for the fast replies
  13. Ok im trying to install a remote server and i have setup tcadmin on my remote server and run the config when i get to the database part and click next i get a error (Host 'xx.xxx.xxx.xxx' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server) plz can anyone help me as i need this server up and running asap. thanks for any help you can give me
  14. no its fine u have to start the game and then the slots will change to how ever many slots the server should be
  15. every time i try and changed the slots to more than 64 i.e 80 it just changes back to 64 slots and yes i changed in game config aswell as service setting ? anyone know how to fix . i did have it working on 80 slots a few days ago now it just wont let me have over 64 slots ?
  16. i get a Query failure is their something im doing wrong ?
  17. u mean in the arma3 xml right ? found what u ment sorry
  18. i get a error when i try to make the game server Log Details Creating a arma3 server for Admin on server Master Selected ip **.**.***.*** and port 2302 Building the command line Downloading files from Steam... Login Failure: Invalid Password but i know the steam password is right and i own the game , any help please
  19. should be more ppl like u mate , its about us getting are company's going and helping each other not making us pay for config's
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