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Everything posted by sparky81

  1. New Version 1.2.0 features... Added Custom & Default Variables Commandline text box added for choice of map. Web Console added
  2. View File Miscreated This is the first Miscreated config with more updates to come. Installation Download the config Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import Save the config as a new config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current config. Leave all other settings features... Added Custom & Default Variables Commandline text box added for choice of map. Working Query More features to come. Web Console added Server Reguirements... Only for windows.. Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable DirectX (Download from that link, unzip it, and run the DXSETUP.exe) Known Issues... None as of 10/3/2020 I have an idea/feature request... Make a post below and I will see if it can be added. To Do... configuration editor for hosting.cfg Steam Workshop installer/updater/uninstaller. More to come. Submitter sparky81 Submitted 3/11/2020 Category Game Configs
  3. Your very welcome @SHAD0WRAIDERZAenjoy the config.
  4. I have this pre made. once i have finished making edits, i will post a fully up to date config.
  5. This does depend on how many island you have in 1 zone always best for a big grid server to keep the island numbers down i.e 4 - 5 islands per zone.
  6. No mate. 2 - 3gb of ram each zone. and all the servers connect to the same database with all the same settings. Works very well.
  7. Loads of YouTube vids on it mate. Its how i learned atlas map making now i run a 10 x 10 map for my community.
  8. WARNING! You MUST upload your own map files for the server to start or change the commandline to blackwood. Leave the port setup as is or you will find you will have problems running multiple servers.. Atlas reads from two configs! DefaultGameUserSettings.ini and GameUserSettings.ini. No matter how many times you try work with the GameUserSettings.ini to hold all settings this is wiped by the server and put back to reading from 2 configs. (i.e I added both configs to the CP.
  9. No i know how hard it can be mate, iv worked this since the game came out and have had loads of work done with the devs of the game getting help so yeah its a pain. Yes the export is the 1x1 map for your own ftp server for when you install the 1x1 map from the mod manager.
  10. haha its all good mate. Atlas is a pain in the A**S sometimes lol but yeah im proud of this config thanks @numpty
  11. View File Atlas MMO Installation Download the config Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import Save the config as a new config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current config. Leave all other settings features... Auto Mod Support (Using built in tool. Read instructions below on how to add mods.) Steam Workshop installer/updater/uninstaller. Configuration Editors for Game.ini/Engine.ini Working Query Redis Database (Stop/Start/Edit Config Server Backup Clustering Servers 1 Click mod installs. (You need to go get the mod files and upload them to your servers and edit the mod config in the xml for the 1 click installs.) More features to come. Server Reguirements... Only for windows.. Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable DirectX (Download from that link, unzip it, and run the DXSETUP.exe) Known Issues... None as of 10/3/2020 I want to add steam workshop mods to my server... Use Steam workshop browser to install workshop mods. (GameUserSettings.ini is automatically written. Or.. Like explained by Wrecking.. Get the steam workshop id from url Select the Auto Mod Command Line Add Mod ID to Active Mods section of main config file using configuration manager. (had to remove due to a few issues use text editor) Add mod Id to game.ini using configuration editor. I have an idea/feature request... Make a post below and I will see if it can be added. WARNING! You MUST upload your own map files for the server to start or change the commandline to blackwood. Leave the port setup as is or you will find you will have problems running multiple servers.. Atlas reads from two configs! DefaultGameUserSettings.ini and GameUserSettings.ini. No matter how many times you try work with the GameUserSettings.ini to hold all settings this is wiped by the server and put back to reading from 2 configs. (i.e I added both configs to the CP. To Do... configuration editor for GameUserSettings.ini Auto wright Game.ini with steam workshop ids More to come. This is a very heavily edited xml what will be updated as and when needed. TCAdmin has my permission to add this to their game configs! Submitter sparky81 Submitted 03/09/20 Category Game Configs  
  12. Here you all go https://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=13100
  13. I will make one and share...
  14. You have to set it up in the Custom & Default Variables page. Then it will show on the commanline manager on the clients game panel
  15. Rename Redis..... @echo off cd "%ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\AtlasTools\RedisDatabase" ren redis-server.exe redis-server-%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe
  16. Ok ill say it again. I have this fully working with no problems at all.. I have over 50 + servers running and the redis is a easy thing to do. I know not much about tcadmin but i was able work it all out. Do the following.. https://gyazo.com/417be0b0aa1615148bf59db85a25bfaf im sure most of you know what goes in each one. I can not share my config but i really don't mind helping get your own working.
  17. Try editing your tcadmin2_advanced.php in notepad. Find this line: $code = '<form action="'.($params["serversecure"]=='on' ? 'https':'http').'://'.$params["serverhostname"].'/Interface/Base/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fInterface%2fBase%2fHome.aspx%3fGoToServiceBillingID%3d'.$params["accountid"].'" method="post" target="_blank"> Change it to: $code = '<form action="http://'.$params["serverhostname"].'/Interface/Base/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fInterface%2fBase%2fHome.aspx%3fGoToServiceBillingID%3d'.$params["accountid"].'" method="post" target="_blank">
  18. Numpty do you have all 3 of them you can sell me buddy? i have them as mods but would rather them have there own services.
  19. hay man you got any good configs space engineers and arma 3 ?

  20. numpty you get this working yet ?
  21. Hi, Im after a space engineers xml and a arma 3 xml. will pay for good configs if anyone has any?
  22. Anyone got a working upto date Arma 3 XML the 3 i have are all old and servers keep crashing. iv no time to make a new one. i will share one of my configs or something. Thanks
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