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Everything posted by Gotteshand

  1. Hi. Try my the one I had created for a server and it ran too. many Greetings Fear_The_Night - Windows.xml
  2. Hi. Here is the first version of my Heat Config, It runs through clean and I personally use you are several hours with 25 players without problems. Have Fun heat - Windows.xml
  3. Yes I have and the Server runs Multilanguage the Info Poppups English and german
  4. Hi I Sharing my Config the i Come Home. But the Konfigurator is not ready. Change any Settings in the cfgs manuell. Kill Prozess is Working Greetz Configurator in Work
  5. Hi. Here is my config. Have you tested briefly and you should go. Unfortunately, there seems to be problems after some time, the server is no longer available. White but not obs to the config or the game is. If someone feels like he can even look if there is a mistake in the config and can fix this Pantropy - Windows.xml
  6. The Passwort passwordAdmin"xxxx" and in the BEServer_x64.cfg the same RConPassword xxxx Rconport 2322 RConIP RestrictRCon 0
  7. The Same @echo off echo. echo Starting Bec timeout 10 :: start bec set becpath=%ThisService_RootDirectory%battleye\Bec\ if exist %becpath%Bec.exe ( echo BEC vorhanden cd /d %becpath% start Bec.exe --dsc Config.cfg ) else ( echo BEC nicht vorhanden ) echo. echo Server Started 100% 18:53:11 : Login failed : Wrong password!
  8. Hi Me To and BEC comes Wrong Passwort Error - 550 The system cannot find the file specified. Good Job Here the Trader Script. I Must change the TCAdmin folder to D: @echo off REM Nur MODID und MODNAME ändern, der Rest ist automatisch. SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET STEAMPATH=%TCAdminFolder%\Monitor\Tools\SteamCmd SET LOGIN=MYNAME SET PASSWORD=MYPASS SET MODID=1590841260 SET MODNAME=Trader.zip SET MODFOLDER="D:\TCAFiles\Games\Dayzsa_test\TCA.Mods" SET RAR="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR" echo --------------------------------------------------- echo Updateroutine der DayZ Mods gestartet echo --------------------------------------------------- del /Q %MODFOLDER%\%MODNAME% echo --- echo %MODNAME% echo --- %STEAMPATH%\steamcmd +login %LOGIN% %PASSWORD% +force_install_dir %MODFOLDER% +"workshop_download_item 221100 %MODID%" +quit %RAR%\winrar.exe a -afzip -ep1 -r %MODFOLDER%\%MODNAME% %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%\*.* COPY %MODFOLDER%\steamapps\workshop\content\221100\%MODID%\Keys\*.bikey %ThisService_RootDirectory%\keys /Y echo --------------------------------------------------- echo Modupdates durchgeführt echo ---------------------------------------------------
  9. No, my mistake is, I give it all crap and Redis is not working and there is something wrong with the jason files
  10. Let's see how far he starts now
  11. Hi. Now ist in Steamdb 1006030 open for Publik Best Reguards
  12. No Sorry my Config Crash Fatal error! VERSION: 5.9 ShooterGameServer.exe!FDatabaseRedisShared::LoadDatabaseConnectionInfo() (0x00007ff6a9a7883a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\databaseshared_redis.cpp:79] ShooterGameServer.exe!FDatabaseRedisShared::GetOrCreateClientConnection() (0x00007ff6a9a75c0a) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\databaseshared_redis.cpp:157] ShooterGameServer.exe!UDatabase_ClusterInfo_Redis::Init() (0x00007ff6a9a82e0e) + 173 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\database_clusterinfo_redis.cpp:97] ShooterGameServer.exe!UShooterGameInstance::StartGameInstance() (0x00007ff6a9ebc738) + 20 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\shootergameinstance.cpp:307] ShooterGameServer.exe!UGameEngine::Init() (0x00007ff6aae0d6b6) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\gameengine.cpp:735] ShooterGameServer.exe!UShooterEngine::Init() (0x00007ff6a9ea8aef) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\projects\shootergame\source\shootergame\private\shooterengine.cpp:396] ShooterGameServer.exe!FEngineLoop::Init() (0x00007ff6a9a371bc) + 0 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2109] ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMain() (0x00007ff6a9a36cb2) + 12 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:128] ShooterGameServer.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() (0x00007ff6a9a36dba) + 5 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125] ShooterGameServer.exe!WinMain() (0x00007ff6a9a3c7fa) + 17 bytes [h:\yarkupdate\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:209] ShooterGameServer.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() (0x00007ff6abcd392d) + 21 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618] KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe7f518364) + 0 bytes [unknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe7fade821) + 0 bytes [unknownFile:0] ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction (0x00007ffe7fade821) + 0 bytes [unknownFile:0]
  13. Hi Do you have something new? The files there are at 100GB that can not be
  14. Forget it was a Steam error now everything is done thank you anyway
  15. Hi. With which Steam ID you have downloaded the server files. According to Steamdb, there is no ID yet 302200 Unknown SteamDB Unknown App 302200 (Miscreated Dedicated Server) about 12 hours ago It does not seem like it Thx
  16. Hi When I am at home I can upload my config. That works.
  17. Hi.


    Well by the mistake I said you can not load and use the file.


    Unknown column 'hide_read_failure' in 'field list'


    Can You help Please? Your File dont Work :(



  18. Well by the mistake I said you can not load and use the file. Unknown column 'hide_read_failure' in 'field list'
  19. Hi. Many Thanks. Have you already heard what is to be done so that others can use the config?
  20. Hi. First of many thanks for the changes or your config. When importing this error message comes Unknown column 'hide_read_failure' in 'field list' And I'm using the latest version of TCADMIN Thx
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