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Conan Exhile Dedicated Server


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does anyone else have problems getting the server to list ingame?

I sometimes works, but it stops working after a while.

I can see the server in the Steam Server browser.


im also getting the following error in the logs:


[2017.02.10-13.47.29:983][ 0]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection: Server ConanSandbox accept

[2017.02.10-13.47.29:983][ 0]LogHandshake: Error reading handshake packet.

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ConanSandbox?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?SessionName=$[HostName]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen?AdminPassword=$[RConPassword] -log


For everyone thats struggling with command line and ports the reason your struggling is because the above IS TRASH, its a ark copy and does NOT WORK, it loads default ports if you use that command line,


The below is the correct command line for this game and it works as I use it for multiple servers


MaxPlayers$[service.Slots] MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress] Port=$[service.GamePort] PeerPort=$[service.CustomPort1] QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]


you can of course change it however you want but you need to adjust those 3 ports otherwise it will not pick up at all


Has anyone looked at my question? How do I get it when I click "stop" server for it to close the console using CTRL+C cause that is currently how you save and exit the game correctly.

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For everyone thats struggling with command line and ports the reason your struggling is because the above IS TRASH, its a ark copy and does NOT WORK, it loads default ports if you use that command line,


The below is the correct command line for this game and it works as I use it for multiple servers


MaxPlayers$[service.Slots] MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress] Port=$[service.GamePort] PeerPort=$[service.CustomPort1] QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]


you can of course change it however you want but you need to adjust those 3 ports otherwise it will not pick up at all


Has anyone looked at my question? How do I get it when I click "stop" server for it to close the console using CTRL+C cause that is currently how you save and exit the game correctly.


the one ou mentioned that doesn't work, works for me, I have 4 servers all working all on different ports all querying and connecting

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For everyone thats struggling with command line and ports the reason your struggling is because the above IS TRASH, its a ark copy and does NOT WORK, it loads default ports if you use that command line,


The below is the correct command line for this game and it works as I use it for multiple servers


MaxPlayers$[service.Slots] MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress] Port=$[service.GamePort] PeerPort=$[service.CustomPort1] QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]


you can of course change it however you want but you need to adjust those 3 ports otherwise it will not pick up at all


Has anyone looked at my question? How do I get it when I click "stop" server for it to close the console using CTRL+C cause that is currently how you save and exit the game correctly.


MultiHome= will work f0r some people and not others. the one i posted will work for 90% of tca windows users. From day one we have been running that setup and everything works. I tryed your setup and it did nothing so i do not know what you are on about.

Also on a side not the game is just ark.

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MultiHome= will work f0r some people and not others. the one i posted will work for 90% of tca windows users. From day one we have been running that setup and everything works. I tryed your setup and it did nothing so i do not know what you are on about.

Also on a side not the game is just ark.


my setup has been adjusted slightly to fix the port issues from the one posted but as i stated it all works mine does when i tried yours the server showed as running in TCadmin but didnt actually boot so either u missed something or something else as Mine works without error (anymore) and your commandline wouldnt even start a server :(

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MultiHome= will work f0r some people and not others. the one i posted will work for 90% of tca windows users. From day one we have been running that setup and everything works. I tryed your setup and it did nothing so i do not know what you are on about.

Also on a side not the game is just ark.


This comes out from the Manual the devs added to there install files, so if yours isnt working its cause your likely using the wrong exe. your suppose to be using the exe in the root folder. ConandSandboxServer.exe in the root folder with the command line I posted is what the devs said you should use. They have a forum post saying that the commandline you used is not from anything they said but spam people posted.


Look at: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=853969975

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I haven't read through the whole thread but this command line binds the correct game and query ports:


ConanSandbox?Multihome=$[service.IpAddress]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?ServerName=$[HostName]?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?listen?AdminPassword=$[RConPassword]" -nosteamclient -game -server -log -port=$[service.GamePort]


Testing to see if there is a way to send control+c. TCAdmin already does this for console appications but it's not working with this game.

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Has anyone been able to find any solutions for ports?


I tried what Dennis said in a comment, but the server keeps starting with port 7777.


The server starts and appears in the list of servers, but when I try to enter through the game, the screen is stuck in black.


Sorry for my english

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add MULTIHOME=[service.IpAddress]? into command line


Don't forget the $ character: MULTIHOME=$[service.IpAddress]?


Also you need to create an additional firewall rule for windows, the default setup does not allow access to the ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe file


netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Conan Server on%ThisService_IpAddress%" dir=in action=allow program="%ThisService_RootDirectory%ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandboxServer-Win64-Test.exe" enable=yes

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I have taken the numpty config and the server starts, but it does not appear in the server list. Manually add the .exe to the firewall.


I am using the following command line: ConanSandbox?Multihome=138.122.xxx.xx?Port=27165?QueryPort=27175?SessionName=Conan Server?MaxPlayers=10?listen?AdminPassword=6u0vb -log


Does someone know how to solve this problem?




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