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ARK: Survival Evolved (Supports Clusters)


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8 hours ago, Beals said:

im on Linux and some reason i cant get the mods to work any one experience this ?

I have to physically transfer over the mod files folder and file, i can get the server to start and join. once i restart it wipes the mods out and says improper mod mismatch. i have tried removing the command auto managed mods and running it that way, and it seems to lose its memory every time i restart the server. i am running cent os7.

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  • 3 weeks later...


get this error in console..

net_misc.cpp (203) : Assertion Failed: g_cnIPThisBox < k_nMaxIPThisBox
net_misc.cpp (203) : Assertion Failed: g_cnIPThisBox < k_nMaxIPThisBox
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110
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  • 3 weeks later...



Using the latest version of this config, currently have an issue with all dinos freezing after transfer. Ie if you transfer to a new server all of them are frozen. This is on a fresh install with no modifications made. 


If anyone has any insight or suggestions that'd be greatly appreciated.



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There's currently an issue with clustering in Linux. I'm redoing everything in the config and hope to be able to release it sometimes next week.

For clustering to work on Linux, I have to wait for a TCAdmin update that introduces changes to the 'Run As' feature. Stay put 🙂

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What's New in Version 2.0.0  

Please read before installing - you will have services failing unless you perform some steps:
This version of the config requires a version of TCAdmin that is not stable yet. You should not try to import the config without having updated to version or newer. Update at your own risk!
Manual updating: https://help.tcadmin.com/Updating#Manual_Update

Do not change the "Run As" user. This config depends heavily on the new "Run As Unique operating system user for each service" setting.

If you have existing services, go to System > Settings > Game Tools > Verify/repair game accounts. Select 'Update Run As User' and all of the servers that you're using for ARK hosting. 
Existing services will not have the "ClusterPath" variable set. If they are started with clustering enabled, an error will show, telling the user to execute a script that will set the "ClusterPath". This is only required once for new services.

Config has been remade from scratch.

  • Windows and Linux Clustering now works as it should
  • Default query port changed from 7778 to 27015
  • Default RCON port changed from 7779 to 27020
  • Regex validation added to various variables
  • Command lines no longer require the user to select each setting they want to use
  • Irrelevant variables removed from the default commandlines
  • Workshop install scripts now show how many files have been extracted during installation
  • Configuration Editor now contains settings for all of the stuff I could find information about. If you know of any setting that isn't included, please contact me about it
  • Added support for the following settings in the commandline:
    •  webalarm
    • noundermeshkilling
    • noundermeshchecking
    • insecure
    • noantispeedhack
    • nodinos
    • nofishloot
    • PreventDiseases
    • UseDynamicConfig
    • customdynamicconfigurl
  • Removed -automanagedmods since mods can easily be updated from TCAdmin
  • [ModInstaller] section from Game.ini has been removed
  • 'Reset Cluster' button. Will only reset files in the clusterid folder that's currently set for the service.

There's probably a lot of other things changed that I forgot to mention. Please let me know if you encounter any issues - also regarding settings that aren't working.


If you're having any issues with this config, please let me know.

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What's New in Version 2.0.1  

  • Fixed ExclusiveJoin in the commandline
  • Commandline setting for Total Conversion Mod re-added
  • Fix for existing servers giving an error about ClusterPath when clustering is not enabled
  • Query Interval Retry changed to 300s
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