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Valheim 1.1


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Valheim 1.1

Installation Server Config

  1. Download the config
  2. Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
  3. Download the Serverfiles under Settings --> Game Tools --> Steam Game Downloader --> Valheim

ATTENTION: Please choose a server password with at least 5 characters


  • Minimal
  • Savefile Fix
  • Commandline Change


  • -



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I think you should set the config to run as "User per service" because the one you got "TCAGame" will create all worlds for all servers under C:\Users\TCAGame\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim and windows will rename them to world1 or world2 .. etc once it starts duplicating and the startup paramater is set to world only.

I totally understand its new game and lack of commands. what im thinking as well is to set Relative User Files to something like :

Relative User Files: $[Service.UserDirectory]\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim

so the user would see the worlds in file manager instead of root folder which is completely useless at the moment. Note: i didnt test this method yet more than brainstorming the scenario 🙂

Maybe @LFA could be handy in this scenario.

Edited by conceptr980
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18 minutes ago, crunkinshoe said:

I'm having an issue with the server stopping after it has been running for about 10 minutes. The console shows it is starting correctly and I can see the server is online but then after about 10 minutes the server stops. Anyone have an idea why this might happen?

Is it giving slots error? (Should be notification message in tcadmin panel) If so set player slots to 64. Otherwise if no error message not sure what it is doing.

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On 2/6/2021 at 2:17 PM, conceptr980 said:

I think you should set the config to run as "User per service" because the one you got "TCAGame" will create all worlds for all servers under C:\Users\TCAGame\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim and windows will rename them to world1 or world2 .. etc once it starts duplicating and the startup paramater is set to world only.

I totally understand its new game and lack of commands. what im thinking as well is to set Relative User Files to something like :

Relative User Files: $[Service.UserDirectory]\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim

so the user would see the worlds in file manager instead of root folder which is completely useless at the moment. Note: i didnt test this method yet more than brainstorming the scenario 🙂

Maybe @LFA could be handy in this scenario.

$[Service.UserDirectory] would point to TCAFiles\Users and not the C:\Users\TCAGame_Svcxxxx folder that is needed. I tried setting the folder as C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc$[Service.ServiceID] however TCAdmin won't save saying its not a valid path.

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This script for the after created event will create a Link named Worlds in the game server's root folder.

mkdir C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /T /L /C
mklink /D %ThisService_RootDirectory%Worlds C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /T /L /C
icacls "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Worlds" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /L


You also need to add this to the master and remote's TCAdmin2\Monitor\Override.config and restart the monitor so it allows symlinks in that path. Without this you won't be able to see the files in FTP and file manager.

  <add key="AllowedLinkPaths" value="C:\Users\*\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" type="System.String,mscorlib" />



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2 hours ago, LFA said:

This script for the after created event will create a Link named Worlds in the game server's root folder.

mkdir C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /T /L /C
mklink /D %ThisService_RootDirectory%Worlds C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /T /L /C
icacls "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Worlds" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /L


You also need to add this to the master and remote's TCAdmin2\Monitor\Override.config and restart the monitor so it allows symlinks in that path. Without this you won't be able to see the files in FTP and file manager.

  <add key="AllowedLinkPaths" value="C:\Users\*\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" type="System.String,mscorlib" />



One little issue. If you make the Worlds folder before starting the server, the game assigns a new folder upon startup i.e. TCAGame_Svcxxxx.WIN-ComputerName. I am assuming the mkdir is required in order to initiate the link. Could we then delete that directory at the end of the script and let the server populate the folder upon startup?

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mkdir C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /T /L /C
mklink /D %ThisService_RootDirectory%Worlds C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /T /L /C
icacls "%ThisService_RootDirectory%Worlds" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%" /L
rmdir /s /q C:\Users\TCAGame_Svc%ThisService_ServiceId%

I just tested and the above script seems to do the trick.

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1 hour ago, Spillvert.no said:

So wait. No way to override the world save path in the command line for this title? Only fix is to link from appdata to the server root dir as of right now?

Edit: Checking with devs...

I just finished speaking with them, it looks like we're gonna end up with a command line parameter to set the local directory for worlds instead of appdata.


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1 hour ago, Devour9784 said:

I just finished speaking with them, it looks like we're gonna end up with a command line parameter to set the local directory for worlds instead of appdata.


Got the same response. Will update this thread as soon as I know more. Hope you will do the same 😉

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This updated script gets the user's real profile path in case windows adds .000 to the folder. Change the script engine to powershell.


$sid=(New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($name)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).value
$profilepath = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName . -Class win32_userprofile -filter "sid='$sid'" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty localpath)

mkdir $profilepath\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim
icacls "$profilepath\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc$serviceid" /T /L /C
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "${root}Worlds" -Target "$profilepath\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim"

icacls "$profilepath" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc$serviceid" /T /L /C
icacls "${root}Worlds" /setowner "TCAGame_Svc$serviceid" /L

write-host $profilepath\AppData\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim


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