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Brink configs


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2011-05-12 11:18:50][0,0] : Log session started

[2011-05-12 11:18:50][0,0] : SetSteamID( [A:1:0:0] )

[2011-05-12 11:18:50][1,2] : Connect() starting connection (eNetQOSLevelLow,, UDP)

[2011-05-12 11:18:51][1,2] : ConnectionCompleted() (, UDP)

[2011-05-12 11:18:51][1,2] : RecvMsgClientLogOnResponse() : [A:1:2911826952:2633] 'OK'

[2011-05-12 13:29:35][3,2] : RecvMsgClientLoggedOff('Service Unavailable')

[2011-05-12 13:29:35][3,2] : AsyncDisconnect()

[2011-05-12 13:29:35][0,0] : ConnectionDisconnected('Disconnected By Remote Host') : 'Service Unavailable' (, UDP)

[2011-05-12 13:29:35][0,0] : [2011-05-12 13:29:35][0,0] : StartAutoReconnect() will start in 2 seconds

[2011-05-12 13:29:35][0,0] : LogOff()

[2011-05-12 13:29:35][0,0] : Log session ended


the exact same time a server seems to crash this is in the log and remoting into the box the server instance is still there runing

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Same here



[2011-05-12 07:52:18][0,0] : Log session started

[2011-05-12 07:52:18][0,0] : SetSteamID( [A:1:0:0] )

[2011-05-12 07:52:18][1,2] : Connect() starting connection (eNetQOSLevelLow,, UDP)

[2011-05-12 07:52:18][1,2] : ConnectionCompleted() (, UDP)

[2011-05-12 07:52:19][1,2] : RecvMsgClientLogOnResponse() : [A:1:2455826447:2633] 'OK'

[2011-05-12 12:11:03][3,2] : RecvMsgClientLoggedOff('Service Unavailable')

[2011-05-12 12:11:03][3,2] : AsyncDisconnect()

[2011-05-12 12:11:03][0,0] : ConnectionDisconnected('Disconnected By Remote Host') : 'Service Unavailable' (, UDP)

[2011-05-12 12:11:03][0,0] : [2011-05-12 12:11:03][0,0] : StartAutoReconnect() will start in 9 seconds

[2011-05-12 12:11:03][0,0] : LogOff()

[2011-05-12 12:11:03][0,0] : Log session ended

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There will be a beta update later today or tomorrow that adds Brink to the game compatibility list. This will enable query and rcon support. In the current version the Halflife2 compatibility will work but rcon will not.

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Is anyone else still having CPU issues?

I'm at server version 2 right now.


+set exec_maxThreads 2


4core CPU, 16GB Ram.

Moving to bigger boxes soon, but seriously with 8 people (2 servers maxed out) it just kills the whole box. Just wondering if there is a fix or a setting that needs to be changed.

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  NothinG said:
Is anyone else still having CPU issues?

I'm at server version 2 right now.


+set exec_maxThreads 2


4core CPU, 16GB Ram.

Moving to bigger boxes soon, but seriously with 8 people (2 servers maxed out) it just kills the whole box. Just wondering if there is a fix or a setting that needs to be changed.


My box uses about 20% for a full 8 slot server.


Also, is anyone having the issue when the server will change to 8 slots when it is set to 16

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So has anyone ran into this issue before? I have only seen it happen on one of my machines, but when i try to start the server up, i get this in the console and it never runs.


Any Ideas?


Finished compositing contextId 18 team security (0) cinematic: false
Finished compositing contextId 19 team security (0) cinematic: false
Finished compositing contextId 20 team security (0) cinematic: false
--- Completed loading sequence in 3.96s ---
_vmtrpages: locked 0 bytes (0.00 cache lines) in physical image, 0 cache lines in disk cache
maps/mp/aquarium: locked 0 bytes (0.00 cache lines) in physical image, 0 cache lines in disk cache
Virtual textures loaded and locked in 0.00s
00:03 to load maps/mp/aquarium.entities
All Stats Cleared
The connection to game session has been lost.
DisconnectSafe: Appending cmd system disconnect...
=== D I S C O N N E C T ===
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------

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Original Post: http://tactical-gameservers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=98#p264



The reason behind us not being able to sell brink (well, not openly yet) is because it is killing our servers. What we mean by that is; we noticed a large portion of our server is being used up. With Brink taking up the whole server, we are unable to sell Brink to other people, much less any other games on that server.


[Teched up]:

The reason behind us not being able to sell brink (well, not openly yet) is because it is a server intensive hog. What we mean by that is; we noticed a large portion of the server is being taken up by a single instance of the game.

  \ said:
1 Server - HiJacked (3x Threaded = 3cores : over a 4 core CPU) [VoIP (local/global) turned off]

Loading next map = 30-40% CPU

0 Players (after-game as well) (idle) = 5-10% CPU

1 Player (1/8 players + max bots = 16 players) = 30% CPU

2 Players (2/8 players + max bots = 16 players) = 35% CPU

~ some how, after this it just idle's back and forth between 30% and 40% CPU ~

5 Players (5/8 players + max bots = 16 players) = 40% CPU

8 Players (8/8 players + max bots (8 bots) = 16 players) = 55%+ CPU

Take the price of a single CPU (if we were to price the game based on $0.99/slot) an 8 slot server would cost $7.92. Not to bad if we host 15-20 servers, but the fact that we can't host any other games or even let games idle is why we would have to charge the user per-CPU usage. We could charge about $50/cpu ( taking a look at this quick mockup of a graph I (derrick1123) made here you can see how expensive it would get ). That is taking into consideration that we wouldn't overload the servers. Which is another reason why we are choosing not to sell Brink at this time.


[To The Developers of Brink]:

Please, if you want this game to be more popular than it is; help GSP's get this problem fixed.


Any questions or comments, please reply bellow.



NB: If you would like to check out what we mean, try to get in this server popular

NB2: (we only have one for demonstration purposes).


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Nothing, here is the cmd line.


+set net_serverDedicated 1 +set net_ip %serverip% +set si_name "%iphostname%" +set net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %rconport% +set sv_maxclients %slots% +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server_objective_standard_vs.cfg

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+set fs_userpath %gameserverroot-notrailingslash% +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_serverDedicated 1 +set net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +set net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress %serverip% +set si_maxPlayers %slots% +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server.cfg


Also don't forget to add


si_maxPlayersHuman %slots%


to the .cfg file.

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Hey folks,


We'll be sending out a new version of the Brink dedicated server on Steam within the next hour, ahead of a client patch about an hour later than that. This update will fix the net_ip issue that has been preventing some of you from hosting.


The update will increment the game version, so the servers will have to be updated if they are to support the newer client version that will be released later.




Matt 'Anti' Lowe | Associate Producer

posted on the valve mailing list.

Edited by marrr
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  LFA said:
There will be a beta update later today or tomorrow that adds Brink to the game compatibility list. This will enable query and rcon support. In the current version the Halflife2 compatibility will work but rcon will not.


This mean TCadmin is adding BRINK to the compatibility list or will it remain HL2 or something else for the Supported Games config? I probably confused, but I'm interpreting that you are talking about TCadmin side or are you talking about the BRINK update mentioned in previous post.

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  NothinG said:
Can you post your log file?

Mine posting your cmd line as well?


Heres my commandline


+set net_serverDedicated 1 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_serverPort 27025 +set net_serverPortMaster 27026 +set si_maxPlayers 16 +set sv_maxclients 16 +exec server.cfg


Here is the error i see in the brink console


--- Completed loading sequence in 15.34s ---

_vmtrpages: locked 0 bytes (0.00 cache lines) in physical image, 0 cache lines in disk cache

maps/mp/aquarium: locked 0 bytes (0.00 cache lines) in physical image, 0 cache lines in disk cache

Virtual textures loaded and locked in 0.00s


00:15 to load maps/mp/aquarium.entities

The connection to game session has been lost.

DisconnectSafe: Appending cmd system disconnect...

The connection to game session has been lost.

DisconnectSafe: Appending cmd system disconnect...

=== D I S C O N N E C T ===

--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------


=== D I S C O N N E C T ===

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