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Posts posted by JasonF

  1. I found it, I cut and paste and isolated it to this line. I assume it is the & symbol. Not sure what code to replace it with though.





    LocalizedCommandString=Display Objectives & Scores


  2. I know < and > are not allowed in the configs, but what about any other characters. I have a game config within the TCAdmin config that is causing an upload error. If I cut the config out it works fine. I searched up and down a million times and can not find any greater or less than characters. There are some | in the config and am unsure if that is what is causing it.

  3. Thanks ECF.


    I did not see a config in TCAdmin when I first started to put the server together. I was looking under Team Fortress Classic and later found it under Half Life - Team Fortress Classic so no need to make the config.

  4. I noticed in the server.cfg config editor for TCAdmin, there is no


    set sv_rconpassword "%rconpassword%"


    in the TCAdmin game config file. Just a heads up for anyone who is looking to create a MOHSH instance and a heads up to the TCAdmin administrators to add that for future releases.

  5. Well I have the TCAdmin config set to auto add the IP, rcon, port etc on all of the necessary config and cc config files but it still needs me to exe the file one time. The first time you exe it, it asks for the data. You enter the info and it starts fine.


    As long as it works I am okay with it. I will just have to exe the cc daemon every time I create a 2142 instance.

  6. Thanks. I am working on it now. I also see the xml files need to have the < > replaced. After I get this working I am going to post a tutorial on getting 2142 working with cc and the TCAdmin config file since no one has done it already.

  7. Thanks again for your help. I see what you mean ECF because I tried to create another instance to see if it works and BF2142cc was tied to first server's IP and daemon port and it would not load. After updating the game server's IPs it worked.


    I will have to learn how to incorporate the





    into the TCAdmin game config to autogenerate the IP and ports for the game server.

  8. Thanks for the help guys.


    Can't I just put the xml files in the engines folder and have it set to 'admin' and 'password' so that it defaults to an easy password for them to login and edit? I am not too familiar with the TCADmin config file for the games yet since I just started using TCADmin 2 days ago so hopefully in time I can incorporate it and make my job easier.

  9. Nevermind, I got it to work but I must exe the daemon via remote desktop first to create the xml files. Once I do that the game will load via TCAdmin. Not sure if I messed it up to have to do that step but as long as it is working I am fine with it.

  10. I was wondering if anyone had success creating a config file for BF2142 that incorporates 2142cc. I found some posts for just BF2142 and BF2 with cc but was unable to find any BF2142 w/ cc. I am new to TCAdmin and have not gotten the hand of creating config myself.


    Any help would be appreciated.

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