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Posts posted by JasonF

  1. I have one but there is a wonderful bug where only 1 person can join a server at a time (read about it in UBI's forums before I tried to create a server). I created the server exactly as they said, a friend joined the server and I tried to join and it says connection failed. Not sure if dedicated server are even a possibility with this patch. I will cruise the UBI forums for a fix.


    Another thing is the command line needs to be different for every single user so you will have to do the overwrite default command line.


    Also requires 2 files from a local install





    I assume these are directx9 files. In conclusion it is a horrible effort of dedicated server files.

  2. My biggest turn off of CSS is the maturity level. Anytime you join a server it just people acting a fool and screaming over VOIP. I got to the point where I just turned off my VOIP receive audio to somewhat enjoy the game.


    This game is more difficult than CSS so I image they will stick with their crosshairs and ammo count.

  3. It has helped a lot. The 1.1 was actually a step back in server stability if you can believe it. I was reluctant to post the hot fix update since it looked like this mod was not stirring up too much enthusiasm amongst the TCAdmin crowd. I have a thread going in another forums with a lot of info if anyone is interested.:p

  4. I had my server up and running last night and at a map change it just sits there. So I forced a map change via HLSW and it loaded fine. For some reason when it gets to the end of the rounds/map, the server has no idea what to do and will lock up.


    Played on another server and they had a ton of rounds per map and it was fine for like 1 hr. But we did not change maps so maybe that was the key.


    Saw this post in their forums and could not stop laughing. This is an SS someone posted that they had experienced

  5. There will be a time that a game comes out, as ranked, and GSPs flock to pay the ranked status fees only to have the game fall flat on its face and the GSPs will lose a lot of money. Just a matter of time.

  6. I got both in the ini but wanted to set the maxplayers in the command line so it could not be changed by a client.


    The maxplayers is in the SwatGUIstate.ini file.

  7. Well I have it automated to create a SWAT 4 server but for the life of me can't figure out how to get this engine from binding to the same query port. I pulled out a UT and Raven Shield ini to see what variables it uses with no luck. When I try to create a second server it will bind to the same query port so I could only get 1 server to run per box. I checked it out via Qtracker and was not able to check in game to see if the server showed up. The server log showed a query port of 10481 for all SWAT 4 servers I created.


    Also, maxplayers will not respond in the command line but the server port will so I don't think you would be able to restrict the player count for a client. This is what I have so far, I have tested it and it works.


  8. I have it automated with the command line but can't get the query port automation. I have searched for the setting in the UT engine but can not locate it. Does anyone know the setting in the UT ini to adjust the query port?

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