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Posts posted by JasonF

  1. Server Readme file that comes with the game


    ***************** RAINBOW SIX VEGAS 2 STAND ALONE DEDICATED SERVER ************************


    Quick Start:

    - Open Binaries\R6VegasServerLaunch.bat in a text editor

    - Locate SET ONLINE_USERNAME= and set a valid username (ex: SET ONLINE_USERNAME=myusername)

    - Locate SET ONLINE_PASSWORD= and set a valid password (ex: SET ONLINE_PASSWORD=mypassword)

    - Save the file

    - Double click on Binaries\R6VegasServerLaunch.bat

    - You now have a running Standalone Dedicated Server, with a default configuration


    Detailed Info:

    - You can modify the dedicated server configuration.

    - Start by ready carefully the DOCUMENTATION section of R6VegasServerLaunch.bat, and then modify to your desire.

    - Then read carefully the comments in KellerGame\Config\PC\R6VegasServerConfig.ini, and tweak whatever you want

    - When you're done modifying the files, double click on Binaries\R6VegasServerLaunch.bat

    - You now have a running Standalone Dedicated Server, with your custom configuration



    The dedicated server doesn't have an graphical interface, but you can use Punkbuster's Web Interface

    to do some administration tasks. Here's the procedure:


    - Inside the "KellerGame\pb" sub-directory, edit the file "pbsvgame.cfg".

    - Make sure the file contains the line below:

    sv_punkbuster 1



    - Inside the "KellerGame\pb" sub-directory, create the file "pbsv.cfg".

    - Add the following three lines to "pbsv.cfg":

    pb_sv_httpport 8080

    pb_sv_httpkey myhttpkey (change myhttpkey to something secret, it's your password for server administration)

    pb_sv_httpAddr myipaddr (change myipaddr to the ip address of the PC running the SADS)


    - Start the dedicated server.

    - Open a web browser and connect to the server's IP on port 8080.

    - Type in the httpkey

    - You may now issue commands via the command field on this form.


    For detailed information, you can consult Punkbuster's documentation:

    - for admins: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bishop-ad/index.htm

    - for players: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bishop-pl/index.htm


    Server admin options via the Console Command interface:

    There is also a text based command interface for more detailed server admin options.

    Server Admin options may be accessible through the command console, and generally take

    the form "admin.[command name] [options / params]. To use these commands, you must either

    be hosting the game as the server, or you must use the punk buster web tool to send these

    commands to the server. The commands are not case sensitive.


    Options will generally be applied as the game starts up. If a reload is needed,

    the map will reload between rounds.


    admin.help -> Get a list of valid options

    admin.[option name] help -> Option specific help


    admin.spew -> dump current option values for all options

    admin.sync -> set admin options to current server options

    admin.push -> apply all admin options to current game immediately


    admin.[option name] -> dump current info

  2. I made my config and added a custom command line parameter that will allow the client to build the entire command line. I am uploading my install now.


    Here are some resources


    1) Ports - http://ubisoft.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/ubisoft.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=12304&p_created=1208374915&p_sid=lB2CTr1j&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MiwyJnBfcHJvZHM9ODgsMTc5MSZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9Mi4xNzkxJnBfY3Y9JnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9wYWdlPTE*&p_li=&p_topview=1


    2) Quote from UBI developer


    Will it be possible to run several instances of the dedicated server software?

    Unfortunately not.


    Only 1 game server per dedicated server.

  3. I just started with this game and have not tweaked the settings. I did see I had one mistake in my config on this line:


    Host Port Start="%serverport%" // Start port at which host games begin, range is 1025 - 65535


    Original it was set at the default port. On my day off I will finally get time to test the config thoroughly and I look forward to sharing it with everyone.

  4. Also, look at the Support/GTR2_Server_Hosting.txt file for good information on setting up multiple game servers on a single server. That is what I used to create my config file.

  5. What I did was install the game locally and patched it, zipped the files and uploaded. Unpackaged in a folder on the server and exe the dedicated server exe on the desktop. I entered my online key and started the ded server. After it came up I closed it down and zipped the files again overwriting my original zip file.


    The thing I feel makes this game not worth hosting is it eats up 100% cpu as soon as someone enters the game. So 1 core of a quad core kentsfield is running at 100%. Kind of reminds me of ArmA.

  6. tangogc, you are missing a server config file in your TCAdmin config. There is a config that tells the server which port to start at. Here is mine.


    [ Multiplayer Options ]

    Collisions Enabled="1" // collisions enabled in multi-player racing

    Net Connection Type="5" // 0 - 28K, 1 - 56k, 2 - ISDN, 3 - cable/dsl, 4 - LAN

    Show All Lobby Players="1" // shows all drivers present in the multi-player lobby

    Multiplayer Enum Type="1" // 0 = LAN, 1 = Internet

    Net Data Rate="32" // client setting

    Net Data Rate="32" // client setting

    Net Flush Threshold="472" // threshold for auto-accumulation flush while building data chunks (default is standard MTU of 536, minus 64 bytes room for layer headers: 472)

    Net Lazy Flush="0" // an explicit flush will not be called after the server re-transmits incoming data, providing less bandwidth consumption by reducing header sizes, but will increase latency

    Net Join Timeout="150.00000" // How long to wait (without a response) before a game join will be considered a failure

    Multi Allowed Aids="-33"

    Force Physics="8" // add the following to enforce server settings: 1=auto-lift, 2=auto-blip, 4=half-rate, 8=collision thresh (for example, auto-lift + half-rate = 1 + 4 = 5)

    Announce Host="1" // whether servers will attempt to register with the matchmaking service

    Gamelist AutoRefresh (LAN)="1" // if true, the gamelist will auto refresh on page activation if LAN refresh type is selected

    Max MP Players="%slots%"

    Lobby Login Timeout="20" // Time allowed (in seconds) before Login to the internet lobby will timeout

    Client Port Start="%serverport%" // Start port at which client looks for host games, range is 1025 - 65535

    GT Racing 2.txt

  7. hey vet, %primaryip% doesn't work. Is it working for you?


    Do you have access to the TCAdmin beta updates? If not then this command will not work for you.


    I removed that command line parameter from my command line because I was getting some weird login error in the console. After I removed it, the servers ran fine.

  8. What XPServers is saying you need to restrict people from uploading .exe files. You do this through the


    System Settings >> Plugins >> File Manager >> Restricted Extensions

    System Settings >> Plugins >> FTP Server >> Restricted Extensions


    There is absolutely no reason to allow a person to upload a .exe file. If a client wishes to upload a file with this extension they should contact you and have you put it on there. Before you do, you should check the hell out of it to make sure this is not a malicious script.


    A legit reason to replace the game server .exe is some older quake 3 based games have DoS attack fixes in 3rd party software that replace the original game exe. Besides that I can not think of another logical reason to replace it.

  9. Probably a torrent download. I have 2 customers who put torrents on their server before getting TCAdmin from me. When I log into remote desktop there is advertisement popups every minute. They are full of viruses/spyware in addition to being illegal and are not worth the trouble.

  10. I been fighting this thing all morning and finally figured it out. The patch installs a new beta folder and moves the exe into that folder. If you wish to run this as a dedicated server:


    1) Use the /beta/arma_server.exe game executable


    2) The server.cfg is still read in the root game folder.


    3) Use this command line


    -mod=beta -nosplash -server -config=server.cfg -netlog -port=%serverport%


    Resource - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_Beta_Patch_1.12

    Download - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_Beta_Patch_1.12#DOWNLOAD_MIRRORS

  11. There are 3 multiplayer mods floating around for this game so I think that is a lot of the confusion. Here are all 3 (I can only attach 2 files so the last TCAdmin config will be in the next post):


    1) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer v0.2.2



    (a) This requires a full install of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas v1.0 US or EU PC DVD version. Downloadable versions do NOT work with this mod.

    (b) All games must be running as v1.0. If the client-side install is running a later version, run this 3rd party mod to downgrade the clientside install version - http://vetwebhosting.com/downloads/sanandreas/gtasapatch.zip

    © Download the clientside mod and install it - http://vetwebhosting.com/downloads/sanandreas/sa-mp-0.2.2-R2.exe



    (a) Download - http://www.sa-mp.com/download.php

    (b) No TCAdmin query but does have Game-Monitor.com support


    2) Multi-Theft Auto San Andreas Race Mod v1.1.1



    (a) This requires a full install of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

    (b) All games must be running as v1.0. If the client-side install is running a later version, run this 3rd party mod to downgrade the clientside install version - http://vetwebhosting.com/downloads/sanandreas/gtasapatch.zip

    © Download the clientside mod and install it - http://vetwebhosting.com/downloads/sanandreas/mta_sa_r111.zip



    (a) Download - http://downloads.game-monitor.com/details.php?file=11

    (b) Does have TCAdmin query support


    3) Multi-Theft Auto San Andreas Deathmatch Mod v1.0



    (a) This requires a full install of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

    (b) All games must be running as v1.0. If the client-side install is running a later version, run this 3rd party mod to downgrade the clientside install version - http://vetwebhosting.com/downloads/sanandreas/gtasapatch.zip

    © Download the clientside mod and install it - http://vetwebhosting.com/downloads/sanandreas/mtasadm_v1.0-dp2.exe



    (a) Download - http://mtavc.com/dllib/download-server.php?t=0&m=0

    (b) Does have TCAdmin query support

    © Resource - http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Deathmatch_Server_Manual

    (d) When you load into the server, it will be black. Open your console and type


    votemap <gamemode> <map>


    An example is


    votemap race race-bay


    (e) You can log into the admin panel to check out the server variables such as maps, players, etc by using the url




    The default rcon port is 22030. You must be added to the acl.xml and accounts.xml to join the web page

    MTA _ San Andreas Deathmatch Mod v1.0.txt

    MTA _ San Andreas Race v1.1.1.txt

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