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Everything posted by Bubka3

  1. Noticeable improvement on my end with page loads. Thanks!
  2. I don't know if this is the right place for a forum suggestion, but can I suggest dropping ratings from forum threads? Doesn't seem to be getting much use as a lot stuff is unrated. Just clutters the thread list imo...
  3. Forget about exclusivity or ranked type server files. The real threat here is games are moving away from a game server model. It's all about lobbies hosted somewhere. It's a damn shame, as modding a game server was the "gateway drug" that got me into IT and programming.
  4. Oh man, just 5 - 10 years ago saying Teamspeak is gonna die would be unimaginable. How time flies...
  5. So, it claims there are 5350 posts: But when you click in, there is only 7 posts: What gives?
  6. Wowza! That's really good.
  7. They are not equivalent....
  8. Looks like the default theme has been disabled. How disappointing.
  9. It works now. There is a staff border being applied to your posts but not to LFA's. If anything it should be the other way around.
  10. I think most people's point here is that should of happened before the change -- not after.
  11. When logged in I cannot see the Community Hub section at all.
  12. Just saw this topic. As I mentioned in the other thread -- seeing the forums change like this has definitely been a shock. So much so that I thought ownership changed for a second.
  13. That was not there before, but I only see config files and themes. If I remember correctly there was other advertising forums? I think one for dedicated servers at minimum.
  14. Okay just is unexpected is all. Also I can't see the advertisements forum. Is that expected?
  15. Just curious has ownership changed? I know ECF left but is Luis / LFA still around?
  16. It's showing up for me. Have you manually checked for updates in about?
  17. I think this specific problem could be easily fixed by a simple dumb UI for users with maybe progress bars and a spoiler type link for the console output for power users. @ECF: In any case, that's great to hear that the team will bringing on testers to work on this. Best of luck!
  18. Customers as in the hoster? I doubt hosters care personally, but end users expect the panel to keep up with how the web looks in general. You can add in as many unique features that you can dream up, but what's it matter if the end user doesn't understand how to use them because the UI is nothing like expected of a website in 2018. I don't think any alternative can compete with the feature set of TCAdmin which is great for hosters. But most hosters have end users to serve, and some consideration to them should be given as well. In any event, here's to a new year and a overhaul
  19. Interesting 1000th post. The design of TCAdmin definitely needs a rework. Besides being visually out of date, there's so much clicking required. Stuff I would expect to be in a pop modal in 2018 is stuck in click click click hell. As for the TCAdmin hosting X amount of servers decline, I would attribute that to the general decline of the GSP industry. More and more games are matchmaking or p2p based and dedicated game servers simply aren't needed.
  20. All good on Windows Server 2016. Software Version : .NET Version : 4.0.30319.42000 Windows 64 bits
  21. For updating my intention is to stop all services of that game, run the update, and start all services back up. It's messy but it would keep servers up to date which is good.
  22. Does anyone have experience with sym links and TCAdmin? Im looking at each instance of tf2 and other source games taking up lots of space so I was thinking about symlinking the vpks since they are all the same. Has anyone had experience with this?
  23. Oh my. Maybe you can throw us a screenshot then? Pretty please? *drools*
  24. It seems Microsoft has an official page for this now: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
  25. Congrats on the stable release! Just curious, do we need to have our v2 keys enabled for betas like v1 if we want those going forward?
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