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Everything posted by CloudNine

  1. CloudNine

    Steam Badges

    Can this be expanded to allow a custom scripts to show badge for an update for steam? Many of us hosts use custom scripts for steam updates. @LFA
  2. Suggestion: Ability to give the tab name a custom name ( Custom Mods Tab )
  3. Tried this, fails to populate with mods for uMod on Rust, perhaps i am missing something but unsure.
  4. Works fine on a white theme
  5. CloudNine

    SSO Login

    Low priority but display images are broken on listing @Alexr03
  6. Alexr03.Common cannot be installed as it requires at least TCAdmin You have Running latest version of tcadmin ( ) But receive this error. @Alexr03
  7. Has anyone managed to get a working Deadside server working?
  8. CloudNine

    Remote Admin

    Let me rephrase, is this confirmed working on Windows 2016 and Windows 2019?
  9. CloudNine

    Remote Admin

    Does this function on Windows Server 2012 only for windows os?
  10. We have to hope that indie developers will be the major push away from the "self hosted/lobby" model. However several of these russian developers are getting deals with g-portal or zap hosting to make it exclusive with them only in return for probably a % of the payments.
  11. There is talk they have gone g-portal exclusive, terrible for both private server hosters and hosting businesses alike.
  12. I agree with this, Save only should be on the far left.
  13. @LFA When accessing a service home page ( Service/Home/ ) The sidebar page icons does not hide it'self ( shrink to icon ) like all other iframe pages. This is annoying and limits the potential for what you can do with the home page, can this be adjusted? This is also a problem with the admin area, there is no way to shrink the sidebar page icons to icons only
  14. An Idea, purely cosmetic: Top right, you have an icon for a person, i am wondering, many interfaces on the web utilise this for a gravatar, you could replace that with a circular gravatar instead if detected for their email.
  15. Perfect, exactly what i wanted to see!
  16. Original theme you could minimize the left navigation sidebar, i've not tested it yet but if that feature is not there, i'd recommend adding it and do what you have done with the game service navigation ( For them to shrink when not in use, thus freeing up more screen space.
  17. Updated a remote to latest version and it throws out this error regarding missing columns on a server install there.
  18. It's extremely frustrating and disappointing that several new games are not releasing server files for private use- that we server providers cannot utilise to offer new games. Miscreated learned that it was a terrible idea not to provide server hosting files. However several other games such as hell let loose, scum and deadside that was just released are not providing server files. g-portal which is not tcadmin-based has somehow upsurped official game provider status for several games. I am wondering if there's a way to we hosting companies can attempt to influence these games to not offering a "official host" and support us other hosting companies.
  19. Yes, the back button is why i desire the tree navigation back. It makes navigation so much slower, if not hair-pulling.
  20. Anyone know the correct syntax to call a custom variable?
  21. Mediawiki is only as good as what you make it, look at fandom or gamepedia, both are based on mediawiki and yet because of the mods they use provide and incredible experience and source of information.
  22. Teamspeak are no longer offering their hosting company licence - Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP) With Teamspeak 5 also approaching, where will we hosting companies stand in the future?
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