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Everything posted by CloudNine

  1. Anyone have any success integrating this into tcadmin? It requires utilization of powershell scripts, will work if ran outside of tcadmin at an admin level elevation.
  2. Some mods/plugins are starting to require Java 22. e.g. https://cursefire.com/minecraft/mc-mods/c2me/issues/367
  3. This error means the zip file that TCAdmin is trying to extract is corrupt or it is not a standard zip file.
  4. It's no longer needed, they added the server functionality into the base game so used mods are reported.
  5. Depending on if you are using IIS, apache etc you would map the port in tcadmin and the web-server.
  6. CloudNine

    MySql Manager

    Needs a detach option for when database is no longer available and option to toggle on/off move functionality as it can block a move of the server. Also the ability for admins to view all existing databases instead of requiring impersonate to view it.
  7. He means clustering two servers together "linking" them so you can migrate between the two as a player
  8. FYI this game was released as F2P however no longer works with tcadmin and must be run with service manager in console mode.
  9. Requested this several times over the years, maybe in tcadmin v3..
  10. Anyone figure out how to get it to work with tcadmin with latest update?
  11. Curious if anyone has done this/accomplished this, having a seperate database that is just for stats for game services? ( Yes i know mysql replication of master-slave is an option, but you are still doing many writes to the main database ) Specifically these tables; tc_game_service_historical_stats tc_game_service_detailed_stats tc_game_service_live_stats These 3 are heavy data tables, they are not essential for game services to run and cause some of the largest traffic between tcadmin webservices and the mysql database. Putting these 3 tables into their own database would help optimise tcadmin to function more efficiently and allow further optimisation of the main mysql database.
  12. Alright, i stand corrected, but there are others that need to be trimmed occassionally too such as: tc_user_messages
  13. 5 Years later, still not integrated
  14. @Dennis Now that palworld EOS is supported, when will you add satisfactory and other EOS games to query list?
  15. Dennis/Adam/LFA/others etc who are the author/mainter of custom mods need to make it less hard coded and more expandable to make custom setup inside the game panel.
  16. What is the rcon protocol to use?
  17. No one knows if it's EpicApp=PalServer as documentation shows or -EpicApp=PalServer
  18. Alright, figured i'd make a topic since no one is talking about it here despite it being the biggest release in some time. Palworld is about to be released, ideally post whatever info you have here.
  19. Looks like nitrado has exclusive rights to host for 3 years https://investor.snail.com/static-files/4ebfcf5c-5973-49a5-87e6-a408d51be365
  20. Tcadmin should add a basic 1 server option without support, this would attract more clientele
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