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Everything posted by CloudNine

  1. Might be worth updating the descriptions to mention this, several mods by Alex reference it. I see it now appears as "bundled"
  2. I no longer see this in the installable modules list?
  3. Scripts and scheduling to automate this?
  4. CloudNine


    Forge support in Crons would be nice too.
  5. Might be able to use game files to create a server, this is how things used to be. This developer really shouldn't be releasing a game without outputting information.
  6. RAM use is fairly high by WS 2022 but performance appears to be stable
  7. CloudNine

    Google Analytics

    @LFANeeds updating for GA4
  8. TCAdmin still could learn alot of concepts from other competitor panels like pterodactyl, but it has improved alot in the last 4 years since the original post here.
  9. This is essential, it's so frustrating that you have to do this manually every single time.
  10. Make local variable override global variable if the same name
  11. CloudNine


    They are now searching for any machine with more than 1 Ip and if server is not running on primary ip they stop server from starting
  12. Dropbox backup ( Like the google drive module )
  13. umod support for valheim would be great too
  14. https://gameknightly.com/news/valheim-suffers-save-data-blunders-and-other-issues/ Yeah it's not great at all..
  15. CloudNine

    MySql Manager

    Atlas uses it, arma mods use it and other games
  16. @rislem Hi, if you're interested in purchasing templates for Tcadmin, Mod Specialists can help: 

    Add them on discord: ModSpecialists#4728

    Read more  
  17. Hey @Alexr03 Is https://github.com/Alexr03/TCAdminBackupManager The same as this?
  18. CloudNine

    MySql Manager

    This is a great concept, however needs some updating i think, also needs support other database types like other mysql, mariadb, redis etc
  19. Yes, installed, updated, works on other games.
  20. @DennisWas intrigued to see how you trigger the GLST plugin but does not appear in my testing, just shows the popup and nothing else.
  21. CloudNine

    Steam Badges

    Can this be expanded to allow a custom scripts to show badge for an update for steam? Many of us hosts use custom scripts for steam updates. @LFA
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