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Everything posted by wirs

  1. Nothing has really changed in that year. A new config would have the exact same features
  2. https://help.tcadmin.com/MVC_Templates Yes all you need is in the information link and in the patchnotes
  3. They still work. Just replace whatever.tld with your own domain
  4. Looks like you didn't install the game as the run.sh is missing. Have you copied all the needed files to the correct location ?
  5. wirs

    New WIP Theme

    I really like it
  6. Why should you be able to find this on these forums? It's a problem related to that game with the permissions on your server. It has nothing to do with TCAdmin itself.
  7. There is already one. Please use the search function of the forums
  8. In Tcadmin go to System > settings > Tools
  9. yes all the server files. You can use the game downloader tool in your panels settings to do that
  10. Maybe they do in the future but keep in mind that V2 was just released
  11. I think you missunderstood him. It's cool and good that you help the community but you've replied to posts that are 2-4 years old and not followed by anyone anymore. The effort is welcome it's just that threads that old don't get attention by anyone anymore
  12. Have you tried contacting Luis on the support ? He's really amazing and does everything possible to fix your installation, even pushing out small hotfixes just for your machine.
  13. wirs


    I'm sorry but I don't have it anymore but the one in this thread is still working all you need to do is replace the command line with and it should start with the latest map it can find. I would just not recommend to use this config in a commercial environment Edit: There was a guy here on the forums that made a better config but you need to have a 4$/month subscription on his site now to download it
  14. It would also be nice to see this integrated to TCAdmin itself. A "Get community configs" button could come in handy and may reduce the amount of people asking multiple times for the same config in different threads.
  15. Thewreckingcrew replied to you but in the wrong thread so here is what he said
  16. wirs


    Please note that this config is over a year old and that the factorio devs released to nearly complete multiplayer rewrites since then. The config was rubbish, which even said myself, but it did the trick back then Edit: no they would not need my exact .zip file since the executable creates it when it is missing. The config files are also automatically created on first start up and do not need to be shipped with it
  17. Also having problems on linux with the monitor.
  18. Are you running an older version of mono?
  19. Well the error already explains it. You need to shrink the path and file name inside of G:\TCAFiles\Users\DannyL\4\ There are 100eds of tools to do that (just google the error and pick your favourite tool) or you can do it manually by figuring out which folder/file causes the overlength and changing its name
  20. The link is still broken "The requested URL '/mblogpic/b726a58c0385c1da546a/460' was not found on this server."
  21. Your image link is wrong so we can't see what you mean
  22. Your image link is wrong so we can't see what you mean
  23. Yes they added after the initial post. Here's my config that still needs a lot of work and therefor I recommend you to only use it and run private servers kf2 - Linux (1).xml
  24. You're out of luck, Blackwake does not support linux (yet!)
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