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Everything posted by wirs

  1. Keep in mind that slenky's solution is a mod and not the official multiplayer. Having mods installed in gtav while playing the official multiplayer will get you banned. There is also no possibility to host your own official gtav server
  2. Killing floor 2 does not run on linux
  3. What os are you using? ^C means ctrl+c on linux which shuts down servers gracefully
  4. Create a costum script Event: Before stopped Script.WriteToConsole("^C"); Should work fine
  5. We use this simple Script on our servers: Script.WriteToConsole("^C"); Event: Before stopped seems to work fine for most servers
  6. Last time I checked you needed to run both servers in the same directory in order to hot-swap the surivors. But that was ages ago. I see that you places 3 ??? infront of AltSaveDirectoryName shouldn't there be only 1 ?
  7. I would do as the error message tells you and contact the support. They will fix this in no-time for you
  8. There is a working one already in here but it's rubbish and incomplete ( I can say that since I did it). I'd recommend you creating one yourself or use the search function.
  9. I just noticed that the monitors's cpu usage has doubled since the update
  10. Played around with it for nearly a day now seems to work fine till now
  11. Testing and creating lots of support tickets for luis
  12. Hi, use the search function you'll find about 20 configs that fit your needs
  13. This might be helpful for you http://askubuntu.com/questions/512765/how-to-setup-phpmyadmin-as-subdomain-on-apache-2-4-7
  14. Well the prefered command line has absolutley nothing to do with ark ... http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11994 This is a pretty basic one but it does the job. I could also clean out your config that you're using right now
  15. That error seems like you configured your ports wrong. Maybe check if the services ports are not used anywhere else. For our servers the changes made in the config only revert back to default when a setting is found in both the command line AND the config (a client tried adding stuff to the command line which already was in the config which lead to the config going back to default)
  16. wirs


    Executable must be changed that's it
  17. wirs


    By the time dennis wrote that post there were no linux binaries
  18. As said multiple times before: The error logs would help
  19. The steam error is a known ROK bug that happens when to user that have the game shared. My guess would be that the steam account running the game does not own a license or the connecting players play through family sharing. Either way the logs would really help
  20. I made the experience with arma that i was able to host multiple sessions with the same account. Don't know it that changed by now or if other games have different rulesets
  21. That not responding thing seems to be a problem of ark itself. Few of our ARK servers suffer from that problem, the others work just fine. ARK does not like being told something twice so make sure to only set the hostname on one place. Make sure the command line has no conflicts with the config file since that usually resets certain settings
  22. actually TCAdmin is running through mono so all you have to do it /path/to/game/server.exe Nothing fancy required simply launch the .exe like any other executable
  23. Why use wine? You can run some dedicated servers using mono which is already included in TCAdmin.
  24. that seems to be a problem of rust not tcadmin no config can change that
  25. The main difference between windows and linux configs is the executable. To port a config from windows over to linux you just have to edit what to launch (server.exe to server.sh or whatever you need) For steam games you should use the steam installer tool http://www.whatever.tld/Interface/GameHosting/GameTools.aspx and then you can create a config using the tool located at http://www.whatever.tld/Interface/GameHosting/CreateGameGuide.aspx Import and export buttons should be in the config list located http://www.whatever.tld/Interface/GameHosting/Games.aspx
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